

词汇 they
they | BrE ðeɪ, AmE ðeɪ | pronoun (men, boys, people in general) 他们 tāmen ; (women, girls) 她们 tāmen ; (animals, things) 它们 tāmen they go on the bottom shelf 这些东西放在底层架子上 here/there they are! 他们在这儿/那儿呢! they won't be there 他们不会在那里 she bought one, but they didn't 她买了一个,但他们没买 things ain’t what they used to be informal 时过境迁 (person, animal of unspecified sex) [指性别不详者]anyone can join if they are a resident 任何常住居民都可参加 ask a friend if they can help 问问有没有朋友能帮忙 (people in general) 人们 rénmen the rest, as they say, is history 后来的事就尽人皆知,不须赘述了 (people in authority, experts) [指有权势有地位者]they cut my water off 管事的人把我的水停了 I asked whether they could change my ticket 我问过票务是否能给我换票 they now say that red wine is good for you 如今专家说红葡萄酒有益健康




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