

词汇 thick
thick | BrE θɪk, AmE θɪk | A. adjective (broad, fat) 厚的 hòu de sweater, book, lips; 粗的 cū de wool, rope, waist; 粗体的 cūtǐ de printa thick layer of snow 厚厚的一层雪 three inches/feet thick 3英寸/英尺厚 made of six-inch thick steel 用6英寸厚的钢板制成的 to give sb/get a thick ear informal 打某人耳光/挨耳光 to have a thick head informal 头晕脑涨 to have (a)thick skin informal 脸皮厚 (dense) 茂密的 màomì de forest, vegetation, hedge; 浓密的 nóngmì de hair, eyebrows, beard; 浓的 nóng de fog, cloud, smoke (abundantly covered) 密布的 mìbù de windows thick with grime and dirt 落满尘垢的窗户 a river thick with waste 布满垃圾的河流 the air/room was thick with smoke 空气中/房间里烟雾弥漫 the ground was thick with ants 地面上爬满了蚂蚁 (concentrated) 黏稠的 niánchóu de liquid, pastethick soup 浓汤 to make sth thick 使某物变得黏稠 (husky) 沙哑的 shāyǎ de voicethick with emotion 因激动而嗓音沙哑的 (pronounced) 浓重的 nóngzhòng de accent informal (stupid) 愚蠢的 yúchǔn de to be as thick as a brick or as two short planks 笨得要死 predicative informal (close, intimate) 亲密的 qīnmì de to be thick with sb 与某人过于亲近 thief (unreasonable) 过分的 guòfèn de that's a bit thick informal 那有点过分 B. adverb 厚厚地 hòuhòu de slice, cutto lay it on thick informal 夸大其词 the lies/insults were coming thick and fast 谎言/辱骂纷至沓来 her tears fell thick and fast 她泪如雨下 C. noun uncountable 厚的部分 hòu de bùfen the bullet had hit him in the thick of the leg 子弹射在他的大腿上 to be in the thick of sth (in busiest part) 在某事物最繁忙的时候 (in most crowded part) 在某事物最密集处 to be in the thick of the battle 在战斗白热化的时候 I found myself in the thick of things 我发觉自己已深深卷入其中 through thick and thin 不顾艰难险阻 he remained a true friend through thick and thin 无论在顺境还是逆境中,他都是一个真正的朋友




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