

词汇 thin
thin | BrE θɪn, AmE θɪn | A. adjective (slim, bony) 瘦的 shòu de personhe's very thin in the face 他脸很瘦 a man with a long thin nose 长着瘦削高鼻子的男人 to be as thin as a rake 骨瘦如柴 (not thick) 细的 xì de stripe, stick, cord; 薄的 báo de layer, paper, lipsa thin trickle 涓涓细流 (it's) the thin end of the wedge figurative (这是)冰山一角 (watery) 稀的 xī de liquid, gravy, soup, oilthin blood 稀薄的血 a bowl of thin gruel 一碗稀粥 (fine) 稀薄的 xībó de to vanish or disappear into thin air 消失得无影无踪 (sparse) 稀疏的 xīshū de hair, forest, populationa thin straggly beard 稀疏蓬乱的胡须 to be or get thin on top informal 开始谢顶 to be thin on the ground 寥寥无几 to get or become or grow thinner 变得更加稀少 figurative (unconvincing) 空泛的 kōngfàn de storyline; 空洞的 kōngdòng de excuse, argumenta thin alibi/disguise 空洞的托词/容易识破的伪装 to have a thin time of it (not very fortunate) 不太走运 (not very prosperous) 处境艰难 (in tone) (high-pitched) 尖细的 jiānxì de ; (weak) 微弱的 wēiruò de Finance 不景气的 bùjǐngqì de tradingB. adverb informal 薄薄地 báobáo de to spread/cut sth thin 薄薄地涂一层某物/把某物切成薄片 C. transitive verb (dilute) 稀释 xīshì paint; 使…变淡 shǐ… biàndàn sauce, soup (make less dense) 使…稀疏 shǐ… xīshū plants, vegetationD. intransitive verb «fog, cloud» 变稀薄 biàn xībó ; «crowd» 变稀少 biàn xīshǎo ; «hair» 变稀疏 biàn xīshū PHRASAL VERBS thin down A. transitive verb [thin sth down, thin down sth] 稀释 xīshì paint; 使…变淡 shǐ… biàndàn sauce, soupB. intransitive verb «person» 消瘦 xiāoshòu thin out A. transitive verb [thin sth out, thin out sth] 使…稀疏 shǐ… xīshū seedlings, plants, populationB. intransitive verb «fog, crowd» 散开 sànkāi ; «traffic» 变稀少 biàn xīshǎo




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