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词汇 thing
thing | BrE θɪŋ, AmE θɪŋ | A. noun (object) 东西 dōngxi I haven't got a thing to wear! 我没衣服穿了! there's not a thing to eat in the house! 屋里一点吃的也没有! what's that thing? informal 那是什么东西? what's this thing for? informal 这东西是干什么用的? a big box thing informal 大箱子一样的东西 sweet things 甜食 there was not a living thing to be seen in the desert 沙漠里看不到一个活物 to see/hear things informal 产生幻觉/出现幻听 a thing of beauty is a joy for ever proverb 美好的事物是永恒的喜悦 (task, action, deed, matter, etc.) 事情 shìqing ; (event) 事件 shìjiàn I've got things to do 我有事要做 a difficult thing to do 难处理的事 the right/wrong thing to do 应该/不应该做的事 the first/last thing to do 首先/最不该做的事 the best thing would be to go 最好还是去 that was the worst thing you could have done 这事你做得糟糕透了 an awful thing happened to me! 我遇到一件可怕的事! that's a nice or fine thing to do ironic 那件事做得可真妙啊 he did the right thing by her and apologized 他向她道歉是做对了 he did the decent thing and resigned 他辞职是做了一件体面的事 sure thing (mainly US) informal 当然 a sure thing 必定成功的事情 to do great things 获得成功 to do (odd) things to sb/sth 对某人/某事物产生(奇怪的)影响 to be on to a good thing informal 过上舒适的日子 he's on to a good thing: he married the boss's daughter! 他交上好运,娶了老板的女儿! one thing leads to another 有一就有二 one thing is obvious/certain 有一点是显而易见/肯定的 the first thing we must consider is … 我们首先必须考虑… financial/artistic/spiritual things 财政/艺术/精神问题 it's or it was (just) one of those things 这是没有办法的事 I didn't mean to break the vase; it was just one of those things 我无意打碎花瓶,但碎了也只能碎了 it's one (damned) thing after another! informal 真是祸不单行! what with one thing and another, I … informal 因为杂七杂八的事情,我… for one thing …, and for another thing … 一方面…,另一方面… if there's one thing I hate, it's … 要说到招我讨厌的东西的话,那就是… not to know the first thing about sth 对某物一无所知 to know a thing or two (about sb/sth) informal (have knowledge) (对某人/某事)非常了解 (have experience) (对某人/某事)有丰富经验 there's a thing or two I know about Jane that would surprise you! 我所知道关于简的一些事情会让你吃惊的! we certainly showed them a thing or two! 我们当然让他们有所见识了! to tell sb a thing or two (about sb/sth) 给某人透露(关于某人/某事物的)秘密 to make a big thing of or out of sth informal 对某事小题大做 things of the flesh [与性有关的] 皮肉之事 (statement) 话语 huàyǔ I said no such thing! 我没有说过这样的话! to say the right/wrong thing 说对/说错话 I couldn't think of a thing to say! 我想不出来该说什么! we've heard dreadful things about them! 我们听说了有关他们的可怕事情! the thing (appropriate, suitable matter) 合适的事情 héshì de shìqing (most important matter) 最重要的事情 zuì zhòngyào de shìqing the thing is … 需要考虑的是… xūyào kǎolǜ de shì… the thing is, what should we do next? 问题是,我们下一步该怎样做? the thing about sb/sth 某人/某事物的特点 mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù de tèdiǎn the main thing (to do) is to keep fit and healthy 关键的问题是保持健康 to become quite the thing 成为流行时尚 chéngwéi liúxíng shíshàng just the thing, the very thing 正是所需要的东西 the in thing 时髦的事物 shímáo de shìwù the done thing 合乎规范的做法 héhū guīfàn de zuòfǎ the latest thing (in sth) (某方面)最时髦的东西 (mǒu fāngmiàn)zuì shímáo de dōngxi to be not the thing to do 不符合社会习俗 bù fúhé shèhuì xísú (person, animal) 家伙 jiāhuo she's a funny, little thing 她是个有趣的小家伙 you lucky thing! 你这家伙真走运! (idea) 想法 xiǎngfǎ to say the first thing that comes into one's head 想到什么就说什么 to have a thing about sb/sth informal (like) 对某人/某事物有好感 (be obsessed by) 对某人/某事物着迷 (be prejudiced against) 对某人/某事物有偏见 informal (special interest) [特殊的] 兴趣 xìngqù his thing is cooking 他的兴趣是烹饪 to do one's (own) thing (follow one's own interests and inclinations) 做自己爱做的事 (be independent) 自立 a loner, who likes to do his own thing 喜欢自行其是的离群之人 it's a guy/girl thing 这是男人/女孩子的事情 (monstrous entity) 怪物 guàiwu a black, slimy thing 黑乎乎的黏滑怪物 B. things plural noun (belongings) [个人的] 物品 wùpǐn bathing or swimming things 泳装 family things 家财 one's things 个人财物 (equipment) 用具 yòngjù gardening/DIY things 园艺用具/自己动手用的工具 wash up the breakfast things! 把早餐餐具给洗了! (circumstances) 形势 xíngshì ; (conditions) 情况 qíngkuàng how are things with you? 你过得怎么样? how are things going? 近来怎么样? things are going from bad to worse/are on the up-and-up/are pretty normal 情况越来越糟/越来越好/很正常 all sorts or manner of things 各种情况 all things considered … 总的说来,… in all things 在任何情况下 (to try) to be all things to all people or men (试图)八面玲珑 to change/spoil things 改变局势/扫兴 things improve or get better/deteriorate or get worse 形势好转/恶化 things take a turn for the better/worse 局势日趋好转/恶化 these things are sent to try us 这是对我们的考验 as things stand 目前的情况是 as things are, … 按现状看来,… things don't look too good or bright 情况看来不妙 things are looking up 情况正在好转 to take things as they come 顺其自然 things aren't what they used to be 今非昔比 of all things 在所有情况中偏偏 he gave her a snake of all things! 他竟然给了她一条蛇! and then, of all things, she … 后来,真没想到,她… (matters) 事物 shìwù he's fascinated by things Chinese 他对中国的东西着了迷 things eternal and things temporal 永恒和暂时的事物 all things bright and beautiful 一切光明美丽的事物 he hasn't a clue about things feminine 他对女人的事情一窍不通




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