

词汇 think
think | BrE θɪŋk, AmE θɪŋk | A. intransitive verb past tense, past participle thought (be capable of thought) 有思考能力 yǒu sīkǎo nénglì humans are the only animals that think 人是唯一有思想的动物 (engage in thought) 思索 sīsuǒ think before you act! 想好了再行动! let me think a moment 让我考虑一下 to make sb think 使某人深思 she's always thinking about her children 她总是想着孩子们 to think on one's feet (react quickly) 反应快 (be mentally agile) 思维敏捷 to think hard/clearly/carefully 苦苦思索/清晰地思考/仔细考虑 to think as or like sb 像某人一样思考 to think in French 用法语思维 to think for oneself; (form one's own opinions) 有主见 (make decisions) 自行决定 (consider) to think of or about sb/sth; 考虑某人/某事物 kǎolǜ mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù he's thinking of or about resignation or resigning 他正打算辞职 tā zhèng dǎsuàn cízhí just think of your family! 想想你的家人吧! to think of or about oneself 为自己考虑 wèi zìjǐ kǎolǜ to think of or about sb's feelings 顾及某人的感受 gùjí mǒu rén de gǎnshòu to think on it informal 思考这件事 sīkǎo zhè jiàn shì well think again 还是改主意吧 háishi gǎi zhǔyi ba (have in mind or have the idea) to think of sth/doing sth; 想到某事物/做某事 xiǎngdào mǒu shìwù/zuò mǒu shì she's thinking of a career in nursing 她有意从事护士职业 don't even think of it! 想都不要想! xiǎng dōu bù yào xiǎng! I don't think! ironic 我才不信呢! wǒ cái bù xìn ne! I couldn't think of letting you take the blame 我没想过让你承受指责 she'd never think of marrying anyone 她根本不想嫁人 tā gēnběn bù xiǎng jiàrén (imagine) to think of sth/doing sth; 设想某事物/做某事 shèxiǎng mǒu shìwù/zuò mǒu shì just think! 想一想吧! xiǎng yī xiǎng ba ! just think, if we won the lottery we would never have to work again! 想想吧,假如我们彩票中了奖,就再也不用工作了! just think of what it would cost! 想想这会花多少钱! to think of his not knowing all about it! 设想一下,他居然对此事一无所知! (remember) to think of sb/sth; 记得某人/某事物 jì de mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù to think about or of the past 回想过去 huíxiǎng guòqù I thought about or of her only yesterday 我昨天才想起她来 if you think of anything else (we need to buy) 如果你想起(我们需要买的)任何其他东西 (suggest, make mental choice) to think of sth/doing sth; 想出某事/做某事 xiǎngchū mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì who first thought of the idea? 谁先想出这个主意的? think of a number, then double it 想一个数字,然后乘以2 (have opinion) to think of sb/sth; 看待某人/某事物 kàndài mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù what do you think of my idea? 你觉得我的主意怎么样? to think of sb/sth as … 把某人/某事物看作… bǎ mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù kànzuò… he thinks of himself as an expert 他以专家自居 tā yǐ zhuānjiā zìjū to think well of sb (approve) 认可某人 rènkě mǒu rén (respect) 尊敬某人 zūnjìng mǒu rén (favour) 看重某人 kànzhòng mǒu rén informal (direct one's thoughts) [按特定方式] 思考 sīkǎo to try to think constructively 试着往积极方面想 to think straight 清晰地思考 to think thin (about becoming slim) 想着怎么减肥 (about keeping slim) 想着怎么保持身材 B. transitive verb past tense, past participle thought (believe, consider) 认为 rènwéi I think (that) … 我认为… I think (that) this is their house 我想这是他们的房子 I thought (that) I heard a scream 我好像听到了一声尖叫 it's going to rain, I think 我看天要下雨了 we'd better be going now, don't you think? 我们现在该走了,你觉得呢? who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? I really don't know what to think 我真是没想法了 to think sb/sth (to be) sb/sth; 认为某人/某事物是某人/某事物 many think him a genius 很多人认为他是天才 people think him quite charming 人们认为他很有魅力 to be thought (to be) … 被认为是… I (don't) think so 我觉得(不)是这样 can I go to the pictures? — no, I think not 我能去看电影吗?──不,我看不行 to think to oneself (that) … 心想… to think (that) … 竟然会… to think (that) I believed him! 我居然会相信他! anyone or you would think (that) … 别人会以为… I hardly think it likely 我认为不大可能 I think it (most) unlikely (that) … 我认为…是(非常)不可能的 that's what he thinks! 那就是他的想法! (intend, plan) 打算 dǎsuàn to think (that) …; (intend) 打算… (plan) 计划… I think I'll go to the cinema tonight 我想今晚去看电影 to think to do sth; 打算做某事 (imagine) 想象 xiǎngxiàng think how nice it would be to spend a day on the beach 想象一下在海滩上度过一天会多美好 think what could happen! 想一想会发生什么! I can't think what you mean 我猜不出你的意思 you can't begin to think how relieved I am 你根本想象不出我是多么如释重负 who'd have thought it! 谁会想到这个! to think to do sth; 想象到做某事 I didn't think to find you here 我没有想到会在这里找到你 I thought as much 我也料到了 (rate, assess) 评价 píngjià to think the world of sb (have high regard for) 非常敬重某人 (like very much) 非常喜欢某人 to think a lot/not much of sb/sth 对某人/某事物评价很高/不高 to think the best/worst of sb 认为某人尽善尽美/十恶不赦 to think better of sth 改变对某事的看法 he was going to leave her, but then he thought better of it 他打算离开她,但后来改主意了 (remember) to think to do sth; 记得做某事 jì de zuò mǒu shì did you think to bring a corkscrew? 你记得带瓶塞钻来了吗? (now/when I) come to think of it, … (现在/当我)想起来了,… (xiànzài/dāng wǒ)xiǎng qilai le , … (mainly US) informal (direct thoughts to) [按特定方式] 思考 sīkǎo if you want to make money, think money! 如果你想挣钱,就得琢磨钱! to think beautiful/evil thoughts 想美好的东西/动邪念 C. noun informal xiǎng to have a think (about sth) 想一想(某事) to have a fresh or another think 重新考虑 have a good think about it 好好想想这事 to have (got) another think coming informal (be forced to revise opinions, plans etc.) 还得想一想 (be deluded) 被骗 (be mistaken) 想错了 if you think I'm going to lend you money, then you have another think coming 如果你认为我会借给你钱,那你就想错了 PHRASAL VERBS think ahead intransitive verb (cast one's mind forward) 预想 yùxiǎng ; (anticipate) 预先考虑 yùxiān kǎolǜ to think ahead to sth 预想某事 think ahead to what the situation will be 预先考虑一下会是怎样的情形 think back intransitive verb 回想 huíxiǎng think back and tell us all you can remember 回忆一下,告诉我们你记得的一切 to think back to sth; 回忆某事 think out transitive verb [think sth out, think out sth] (consider carefully) 仔细考虑 zǐxì kǎolǜ ; (produce by thinking) 想出 xiǎngchū ideathink it all out before you … 在你…之前,通盘考虑一下这事 think out what you are going to say/how you are going to respond 仔细考虑一下你要说些什么/如何应答 well/badly thought out 考虑周密/草率的 think over transitive verb [think sth over, think over sth] 仔细考虑 zǐxì kǎolǜ think through transitive verb [think sth through, think through sth] 充分考虑 chōngfèn kǎolǜ problemto think it through carefully 仔细充分地考虑这事 think up transitive verb [think sth up, think up sth] informal 想出 xiǎngchū you'll have to think up a better excuse! 你得想出一个更好的借口! what can we think up for the party next week? 关于下周的聚会,我们看看能有什么想法?




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