

词汇 subtle
subtle | BrE ˈsʌt(ə)l, AmE ˈsədl | adjective (barely perceptible) 细微的 xìwēi de distinction, shift; 微妙的 wēimiào de allusion, meaning, style, irony (sophisticated, finely tuned) 精妙的 jīngmiào de design; 精湛的 jīngzhàn de performance; 巧妙的 qiǎomiào de idea, analysis, plot, strategy (perceptive) 敏锐的 mǐnruì de it wasn't very subtle of you to mention the war 你提起战争的事考虑欠妥 (delicate) 隐约的 yǐnyuē de lighting, blend, colour, shade; 淡雅的 dànyǎ de charm; 依稀的 yīxī de flavour, fragrance




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