

词汇 rim
rim | BrE rɪm, AmE rɪm | A. noun (of container) 边沿 biānyán the rim of the cup 杯子的边沿 a pair of spectacles with gold rims 一副金边眼镜 a cup with a chipped rim 有缺口的杯子 (of wheel) 轮辋 lúnwǎng (of dirt, grease) 圆圈 yuánquān a thick rim of soap suds 一圈厚厚的肥皂泡 B. transitive verb present participle rimming past tense, past participle rimmed «border» 给…镶边 gěi… xiāng biān cup, plate; «mountain» 环绕 huánrào valleyC. -rimmed combining form 有…边的 yǒu… biān de she wears goldrim spectacles 她戴着金边眼镜 her eyes were redrim with fatigue 她的双眼通红,满是疲惫




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