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词汇 rip
rip1 | BrE rɪp, AmE rɪp | A. transitive verb present participle ripping past tense, past participle ripped (tear) 撕破 sīpò to rip sth with one's teeth/a knife 用牙撕开/用刀割开某物 to rip sb/sth in two 将某人/某物撕成两半 to rip sb/sth to pieces or shreds «person, animal» 将某人/某物撕成碎片 «bomb» 将某人/某物炸成碎片 jiāng mǒu rén/mǒu wù zhàchéng suìpiàn figurative «person» 将…批得体无完肤 jiāng… pī de tǐ wú wán fū person, argument (create) «bomb, wind, lightning» 撕出 sīchū to rip a hole in sth 在某物上撕出一个洞 (tear off) 猛力扯掉 měnglì chědiào storms ripped tiles from the roof 暴风雨掀掉了屋顶上的瓦片 informal (copy) 刻录 kèlù CD, DVD, trackB. intransitive verb present participle ripping past tense, past participle ripped «material, fabric» 被撕破 bèi sīpò to let rip informal (behave without restraint) 为所欲为 (happen in uncontrolled way) 不受控制地发展 (speak vehemently) 激动地说 let it or her rip! informal 让车全速前进吧! to let sth rip, to let rip sth informal (utter) 激动地说某事 (allow to happen in uncontrolled way) 听任某事发生 he let rip a stream of abuse 他大骂了一通 to let rip at sb/sth; 破口大骂某人/某事物 C. noun 裂口 lièkǒu a rip in sth; 某物上的裂口 PHRASAL VERBS rip apart transitive verb [rip sb/sth apart, rip apart sb/sth] (tear into pieces) 将…撕成碎片 jiāng… sīchéng suìpiàn (destroy physically) «blast, bomb» 将…炸成碎片 jiāng… zhàchéng suìpiàn person, object(have harmful effect on) «person, disagreement» 损害 sǔnhài family, country, reputation(overwhelm) 击溃 jīkuì defences; 击垮 jīkuǎ person, team(prove wrong) 将…驳得体无完肤 jiāng… bó de tǐ wú wán fū person, argument, thesisrip at transitive verb [rip at sb/sth] 猛烈撕扯 měngliè sīchě animal, flesh, clothesrip down transitive verb [rip down sth, rip sth down] 撕下 sīxia picture, notice; 扯下 chěxia curtainsrip into transitive verb [rip into sb/sth] (enter forcefully) «knife» 猛力扎入 měnglì zhārù flesh; «bullet, missile» 穿透 chuāntòu building, fleshinformal (criticize) «person, article» 斥责 chìzé rip off A. [rip off sth, rip sth off] transitive verb (remove forcefully) 迅速脱掉 xùnsù tuōdiào dress; 迅速解下 xùnsù jiěxia tieto rip sth off sb/sth; 把某物从某人身上/某处扯掉 he ripped the cloth off the table 他一把扯掉了桌子上的布 she ripped his trousers off him 她拽下了他的裤子 (blow off) «wind, blast» 掀掉 xiāndiào roofinformal (steal) 偷窃 tōuqiè goods; 剽窃 piāoqiè ideaB. [rip off sb, rip sb off] transitive verb informal (cheat) 敲诈 qiāozhà customer, touristto get ripped off 被敲竹杠 rip open transitive verb [rip open sth, rip sth open] 撕开 sīkāi envelope, parcel; 割开 gēkāi bagrip out transitive verb [rip out sth, rip sth out] 拆掉 chāidiào fireplace, kitchen units; 撕下 sīxia pagerip through transitive verb [rip through sb/sth] «bullet» 穿透 chuāntòu person, flesh; «fire» 猛力窜入 měnglì cuànrù building, area; «blast» 猛力穿过 měnglì chuānguo building, arearip up transitive verb [rip up sth, rip sth up] (tear up) «person» 将…撕成碎片 jiāng… sīchéng suìpiàn paper, cloth; 撕毁 sīhuǐ evidence, document(take up) 挖开 wākāi pavement, street; 掀起 xiānqǐ floorboards, carpet




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