

词汇 rip off
rip off A. [rip off sth, rip sth off] transitive verb (remove forcefully) 迅速脱掉 xùnsù tuōdiào dress; 迅速解下 xùnsù jiěxia tieto rip sth off sb/sth; 把某物从某人身上/某处扯掉 he ripped the cloth off the table 他一把扯掉了桌子上的布 she ripped his trousers off him 她拽下了他的裤子 (blow off) «wind, blast» 掀掉 xiāndiào roofinformal (steal) 偷窃 tōuqiè goods; 剽窃 piāoqiè ideaB. [rip off sb, rip sb off] transitive verb informal (cheat) 敲诈 qiāozhà customer, touristto get ripped off 被敲竹杠




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