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词汇 shadow
shadow | BrE ˈʃadəʊ, AmE ˈʃædoʊ | A. noun countable (shade) 阴影 yīnyǐng the tree cast a shadow on or against the wall 树在墙上投下影子 his mother's ill health cast a shadow over his childhood 他母亲的多病给他的童年蒙上了阴影 to be/live in sb's shadow 处于/生活在某人的阴影里 in the shadows 在阴影里 to have shadows under one's eyes 有黑眼圈 five o'clock shadow 新长出的胡子茬 to be afraid of one's own shadow 胆小如鼠 uncountable (slightest trace) 少许 shǎoxǔ without a shadow of doubt 毫无疑问 is there any shadow of truth in this story? 这个说法有什么真实性吗? countable (inferior version) 较差状况 jiào chā zhuàngkuàng his illness has worn him to a shadow 疾病把他折磨得不成人形 he was (but) a shadow of his former self 他与以前相比憔悴得不成样子 countable (companion) 形影不离的人 xíng yǐng bù lí de rén he is his big sister's shadow 他是他姐姐的跟班 before noun British 影子内阁的 yǐngzi nèigé de the shadow minister for homeland security 负责国土安全事务的影子内阁大臣 the Shadow Home Secretary 影子内阁的内政大臣 countable (person following and observing sb) 暗中跟踪者 ànzhōng gēnzōng zhě to put a shadow on sb 派人盯某人的梢 B. transitive verb (shade) 在…上投下阴影 zài… shang tóuxia yīnyǐng the playground is shadowed by a big block of flats 操场笼罩在一座公寓大楼的阴影中 (tail) 跟踪 gēnzōng (in order to gain experience) 跟随…学习技能 gēnsuí… xuéxí jìnéng worker, colleague




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