

词汇 shampoo
shampoo | BrE ʃamˈpuː, AmE ʃæmˈpu | A. noun countable and uncountable (for hair) 洗发剂 xǐfàjì ; (for carpet) 洗涤剂 xǐdíjì countable (act of washing hair) 用洗发剂洗 yòng xǐfàjì xǐ ; (act of cleaning carpet) 用洗涤剂洗 yòng xǐdíjì xǐ to have a shampoo 洗头 to give sb a shampoo 给某人洗头 B. transitive verb present tense shampoos past tense, past participle shampooed 用洗发剂为…洗发 yòng xǐfàjì wèi… xǐ fà animal, customer, hair; 用洗涤剂洗 yòng xǐdíjì xǐ carpet




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