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词汇 shape
shape | BrE ʃeɪp, AmE ʃeɪp | A. noun (outer form, outline) 形状 xíngzhuàng a square/rectangular/triangular shape 正方形/矩形/三角形 the children were cutting out shapes from paper 孩子们在剪纸 animal shapes 动物图形零食 a streamlined shape 流线型 I'm the wrong shape for this jacket 我的身材不适合穿这件夹克衫 to carve/cut/mould sth into shape 把某物雕刻/切割/塑造成形 the bush is losing its shape; it needs a good trim 灌木丛杂乱一片,需要好好修剪一下 to take shape 成形 (in/of) all shapes and sizes 各式各样的 in any shape or form 以任何形式 (indistinguishable form) 模糊的影像 móhu de yǐngxiàng I could only just make out the shape of the building in the morning smog 晨雾中的大楼只能看出个轮廓 (guise) 外表 wàibiǎo a fiend or monster in human shape 幻化为人形的妖魔 help arrived in the shape of a burly policeman 前来帮忙的是一位魁梧的警察 (optimum condition) 状态 zhuàngtài to be in/out of shape 状态良好/不佳 I've got a bit out of shape during the holidays 我在度假期间身体有些不适 to knock or lick sb/sth into shape 使某人/某事物进入良好状态 (character) 特征 tèzhēng ; (structure) 结构 jiégòu the basic shape of the essay 文章的基本框架 technological developments which have changed the shape of our lives 改变了我们生活方式的科技发展 the shape of things to come 未来的状况 (mould for jelly, pastry) 模子 múzi (moulded food) 成型食品 chéngxíng shípǐn B. transitive verb (fashion, mould) 使…成形 shǐ… chéngxíng wood, hair, figureuse both hands to shape the clay 用双手把黏土捏成形 rocks that have been shaped by the tide 潮水冲刷成形的岩石 to shape sth into sth; 把某物做成某种形状 to shape sth out of or from sth; 用某物做出某物 (influence, determine) 影响 yǐngxiǎng character, events; 决定 juédìng development (tailor) 使合身 shǐ héshēn this jacket is shaped at the waist 这件夹克的腰部剪裁很合身 C. intransitive verb informal (progress, develop) «plan, project» 进展 jìnzhǎn the way things are shaping, we should be able to come 看目前的情况我们应该能来 PHRASAL VERB shape up intransitive verb informal (develop) «plan, project, team» 进展 jìnzhǎn the new intake seem to be shaping up quite well 新招的员工看上去适应得不错 to shape up to be sth 发展成某事物 (meet expectations) «person» 称职 chènzhí shape up or ship out 表现不好就走人 (improve one's figure) 改善身材 gǎishàn shēncái




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