

词汇 steady
steady | BrE ˈstɛdi, AmE ˈstɛdi | A. adjective (unchanging, lasting) 稳定的 wěndìng de ; (regular) 均匀的 jūnyún de a steady job 固定工作 a steady stream of visitors 稳定的游客流量 a steady outflow of oil from the tank 从油箱里源源不断流出的油 they set off at a steady pace 他们以不急不慢的速度出发了 to drive at a steady 80 km/h 以每小时80公里的匀速行驶 the steady beat of the drums 均匀的鼓点 his breathing was steady 他呼吸平稳 to keep one's weight steady 保持体重 to hold steady «share prices, interest rates» 保持稳定 (not wobbly) 稳的 wěn de to make a table steady 使桌子不摇晃 a good eye and a steady hand 眼尖手稳 to hold a ladder/needle steady 把梯子扶稳/把针拿稳 to be not very steady on one's feet 走路不稳当 (not wavering) 镇定的 zhèndìng de a steady, even voice 沉稳平和的嗓音 a steady gaze 凝视的目光 my nerves aren't very steady today 我今天有点儿心神不定 (gradual) 稳步的 wěnbù de a steady decline in numbers 数量的持续下降 five years of steady economic growth 持续5年的经济平稳增长 (long-term) 关系稳定的 guānxì wěndìng de boyfriend, girlfriendI'm in a steady relationship 我有确定的恋爱对象 to go steady (with sb) dated informal (与某人)保持稳定的男女朋友关系 (resolute) 坚定的 jiāndìng de purposeher faith remained steady throughout this crisis 在这场危机中,她的信念始终没有动摇过 (level-headed) 沉着的 chénzhuó de young man, workerB. exclamation (keep calm) 小心 xiǎoxīn steady! don’t fall off 当心!别摔下来 steady on! British informal (be more careful!) 小心点儿! (calm down!) 冷静! C. transitive verb (prevent from wobbling) 使平稳 shǐ píngwěn to steady one's hand 稳住手 to steady a ladder 放稳梯子 (calm) 使镇定 shǐ zhèndìng I took a deep breath to steady my nerves 我深吸一口气,让自己平静下来 D. intransitive verb (stop wobbling) «boat, hand» 变稳 biàn wěn the lift rocked slightly, steadied, and the doors opened 电梯微微一晃,稳定下来,然后门开了 (become calm) «tone, nerves» 镇定下来 zhèndìng xialai his voice steadied as his confidence returned 他恢复了信心,声音变得镇定自若 (stop changing) «prices, interest rates» 稳定下来 wěndìng xialai the pound steadied against the dollar 英镑对美元的汇率稳定下来了 (become regular) «heartbeat, pulse» 恢复平稳 huīfù píngwěn her breathing slowly steadied 她的呼吸慢慢平稳下来 E. to steady oneself reflexive verb (physically) 站稳 zhànwěn she steadied herself against the wall 她靠墙站稳 tā kào qiáng zhànwěn (mentally) to steady oneself 镇定下来 zhèndìng xialai




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