

词汇 soften
soften | BrE ˈsɒf(ə)n, AmE ˈsɔfən | A. intransitive verb (become less hard) «ground, material» 变软 biànruǎn ; «light, outline, voice, consonant» 变柔和 biàn róuhé ; «colour» 变淡 biàndàn (become less harsh) «person, character, attitude, expression» 变温和 biàn wēnhé B. transitive verb (make less firm or rough) 使…变软 shǐ… biànruǎn ground, material; 使…变柔和 shǐ… biàn róuhé light, voice, music, outline; 使…变淡 shǐ… biàndàn colour; 使…变缓和 shǐ… biàn huǎnhé resistance Chemistry 软化 ruǎnhuà water (cause to become kinder) 使变温和 shǐ biàn wēnhé to soften sb's attitude 软化某人的态度 (make less painful, harsh) 使…减轻 shǐ… jiǎnqīng effect, blow, shock; 使…变委婉 shǐ… biàn wěiwǎn refusalPHRASAL VERB soften up transitive verb [soften sb up, soften up sb] 打动 dǎdòng person, client, customer; 削弱 xuēruò enemy




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