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词汇 solid
solid | BrE ˈsɒlɪd, AmE ˈsɑləd | A. adjective (not liquid or gaseous) 固体的 gùtǐ de food, substancea solid body 固体 gùtǐ on solid ground or land 在陆地上 to go or become solid 成为固体 to freeze solid 冻结 (dense, compact) 密实的 mìshi de substance, texture, crowda solid bank of cloud 厚厚的一片云 solid to the core 非常坚实的 to press/pack sth solid 按/塞得严严实实 to have a heart of solid stone or ice 有铁石心肠 Mathematics (three-dimensional) 立体的 lìtǐ de a solid figure with six plane faces 六面体 (not hollow) 实心的 shíxīn de attributive (of one substance) 纯的 chún de solid meat/chocolate 纯精肉/纯巧克力 (of) solid gold/steel 纯金/纯钢(的) attributive (of one colour) 纯色的 chúnsè de solid white/blue 纯白/纯蓝 (unbroken) 连绵的 liánmián de blue sky, block; 不间断的 bù jiànduàn de linea solid mass of colour 一大团色块 (full) 挤满的 jǐmǎn de to be solid with sth; 挤满某物 to be packed solid (with sth) 挤满(某物) the town was solid with shoppers 城里到处都是购物的人 to be booked solid 被预订一空 (uninterrupted) 连续的 liánxù de five days solid, five solid days, a solid five days 整整5天 fifteen minutes' solid conversation 15分钟不间断的谈话 a solid day's work 一整天的工作 solid rain for three weeks 连续3周的降雨 (well-established) 稳固的 wěngù de control, basethe strike remains solid 罢工仍然势头不减 (large, secure) 一致的 yīzhì de vote, supportto win a solid majority 赢得绝对多数票 to hold solid 持稳 attributive (of one main type) 单一的 dānyī de party, classthis area is solid Tory, this is a solid Tory area 这个地区是保守党的地盘 predicative (staunch) to be solid for/against sth; 坚决支持/反对某事物 jiānjué zhīchí/fǎnduì mǒu shìwù to be solid behind sb; 坚定地支持某人 jiāndìng de zhīchí mǒu rén to be solid on sth; 在某事上立场坚定 zài mǒu shì shang lìchǎng jiāndìng (unshakeably close) 密切的 mìqiè de relationship; 牢固的 láogù de marriageto be (in) solid with sb US informal (intimate) 和某人关系很铁 (staunch) 得到某人的坚定支持 (physically strong or dense) 结实的 jiēshi de structure, foundation, musclesthe Scottish defence remained solid 苏格兰队的防守一直很严密 to be of solid build 体格健硕 (firm) 有力的 yǒulì de grip, blow, pusha solid driving rhythm section 活力四射的节奏乐器组 attributive (reliable) 可信赖的 kě xìnlài de ; (respectable) 值得尊敬的 zhídé zūnjìng de a banker of solid character 信誉可嘉的银行家 (satisfactory) 牢靠的 láokao de work, employee Finance (secure, dependable) 稳健的 wěnjiàn de investment, company (substantial) 切实的 qièshí de comforta solid meal 分量充足的一餐 attributive (well-founded) 可靠的 kěkào de common sense, experience; 扎实的 zhāshi de basis attributive (factual) 确凿的 quèzáo de evidence, facts; 有力的 yǒulì de argument, reasonto rest or be on solid ground(s) 基于充分的理由 attributive (thorough) 全面的 quánmiàn de investigation, understandingB. noun Mathematics 立体图形 lìtǐ túxíng Chemistry 固体 gùtǐ C. solids plural noun (foodstuffs) 固体食物 gùtǐ shíwù to start on/take solids 开始吃/吃固体食物 (particles) [液体中的] 固形物 gùxíngwù blood/non-fat solids 血液中的/非脂乳固形物




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