

词汇 some
some | BrE sʌm,s(ə)m, AmE səm | A. determiner (an unspecified amount or number) 一些 yīxiē some cheese/apples 一些奶酪/苹果 would you like some breakfast? 你想吃点早饭吗? (certain members of a group or type) 有的 yǒude some tulips are black 有的郁金香是黑色的 in some parts of Europe 在欧洲的某些地方 some people find this more difficult than others 这件事有人觉得难,有人觉得不难 I like some modern music 有些现代音乐我喜欢 some people! 总有这样的人! (a considerable amount or number) 相当多的 xiāngdāng duō de we stayed there for some time 我们在那里待了相当长时间 he hadn't seen her for some years 他好多年没见到她了 his suggestion was greeted with some hostility 他的建议受到相当大的敌视 she'll take some persuading 需要费点口舌才能说服她 (a small amount or number) 少量的 shǎoliàng de to have some knowledge of computers 有点计算机知识 there are some tickets left 还剩几张票 to some extent 在某种程度上 in some way or (an)other 以某种方式 (an unidentified or unknown) 某个 mǒu gè she married some poet 她嫁了一个诗人 there must be some mistake 一定是出了什么差错 a car of some sort 某种汽车 I’ll see you again some time, I’m sure 我敢肯定,什么时候我还会见到你的 she won a competition in some newspaper or other 她在某报举办的竞赛中得了奖 informal (a remarkable) 了不起的 liǎobuqǐ de that's some woman! 那真是个了不起的女人! that was some film! 那部影片真棒! that was some goal! 好一记漂亮的射门! informal ironic (not much) 真可谓 zhēn kěwèi some dictionary that is! 那也算词典! I'd like the work to be finished by Monday — some hope! 我想星期一之前完成工作──好有希望啊! B. pronoun (unspecified amount or number of things) 一些东西 yīxiē dōngxi ; (unspecified amount or number of people) 一些人 yīxiē rén I've made coffee: would you like some? 我煮了咖啡:想喝点儿吗? some say that … 有些人说… and then some informal 还不止这些 we got our money’s worth and then some 我们的钱花得值,而且还不止这个 (certain members of a group or set) 部分 bùfen here are some of our suggestions 这是我们的一部分建议 some of them are French, others Spanish 他们中有一部分是法国人,其他的是西班牙人 C. adverb (approximately) 大约 dàyuē some 70 people/20 years ago 大约70人/20年前 (to some degree) 稍微 shāowēi from here to town in 5 minutes: that's going some 从这里到城里只花了5分钟:相当快啊 are you finding the work any easier? — some informal 你觉得工作顺手些了?──是顺手些了




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