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词汇 step
step | BrE stɛp, AmE stɛp | A. noun countable (act of lifting foot) 迈步 màibù to walk with slow steps 缓步行走 the water got deeper and deeper at or with every step 每走一步水就更深一些 she took a step towards the window 她向窗户迈了一步 to retrace one's steps 按原路返回 to change/break step 换步/走乱步伐 to fall into step (with or beside sb) (和某人)齐步行进 in/out of step (with sb/sth) (when walking, marching, dancing) (与某人/某物)步伐一致/不一致 (in conformity with/at odds with) (与某人/某物)想法一致/不一致 one step out of line, and you're finished! 只要越轨一步,你就完蛋了! to march in step with the music 踏着音乐的节拍齐步走 to be out of step with the times 跟不上时代 to watch or mind one's step (walk carefully) 走路小心 (behave properly) 言行谨慎 a or one step at a time 一步一个脚印地 countable (distance covered by pace) 一步 yī bù she moved a step closer to me 她向我走近了一步 it’s only a few steps further 再走几步就到了 countable (distance to or from somewhere) 步行距离 bùxíng jùlí it's only a step to the station 到车站只有几步路 it was a good step from our house to the shops 从我们家到商店很远 countable (sound of footsteps) 脚步声 jiǎobù shēng we heard steps outside 我们听到外面有脚步声 countable (footprint) 脚印 jiǎoyìn a line of steps in the snow 雪地上的一行脚印 countable (way of walking) 步态 bùtài to walk with a quick/light step 快步走/以轻松的步子行走 to know/recognize sb's step 知道/认出某人走路的样子 countable (of dance) 舞步 wǔbù tango steps 探戈舞的舞步 countable (stair) 梯级 tījí we walked down some stone steps to the beach 我们走下几级石阶,来到海滩上 a flight of steps (inside building) 一段楼梯 (outside building) 一段台阶 she was sitting on the top/bottom step of the staircase 她坐在最上面/最下面一级楼梯上 countable (doorstep) 门阶 ménjiē countable (ladder rung) [梯子的] 横档 héngdàng countable (move) 步骤 bùzhòu the first/next step 第一步/下一步 it's a step in the right direction 这是朝正确方向迈出的一步 a major step forward in the treatment of the disease 治疗这一疾病的重大进展 to be a or one step ahead of sb/sth 领先某人/某事物一步 he was now one step closer to winning the title 他现在离赢得冠军又近了一步 they were one step away from victory 他们距离胜利仅一步之遥 one step forward, two steps back 进一步,退两步 to do sth one step at a time 按部就班 countable (measure) 措施 cuòshī to take steps to reduce pollution 采取措施减少污染 countable (stage) 阶段 jiēduàn to go a or one step further 再进一步 to take an idea a or one step further 进一步深化想法 I'm with you every step of the way 整个过程的每一步,我都和你在一起 countable (position in hierarchy) 级别 jíbié the first step on the managerial ladder 初级管理层 it represents an important step up in his career 这是他在事业上的一次重要晋升 uncountable (aerobic exercise) 踏板操 tàbǎncāo a step class 踏板操训练班 countable US (musical interval) 音级 yīnjí B. steps plural noun (small ladder) 折梯 zhétī (stairs) (to upper floor) 楼梯 lóutī ; (in front of building) 台阶 táijiē C. intransitive verb present participle stepping past tense, past participle stepped (walk) 迈步 màibù to step across a stream/in a puddle 趟过小溪/踏进水坑 to step into a boat/on to a train 登上小船/火车 she stepped into/out of the dress 她穿上/脱下了连衣裙 to step on sb's foot 踩到某人的脚 to step on it or the gas informal 加快 to step out of line (break military ranks) 出列 (behave badly) 出格 formal (come) 行走 xíngzǒu please step this way 请走这边 to step into sb's office 走进某人的办公室 D. transitive verb present participle stepping past tense, past participle stepped (construct in series of levels) 使成阶梯状 shǐ chéng jiētīzhuàng the garden was stepped 花园建成了阶梯状 (organize in stages) 分段安排 fēnduàn ānpái the tax should be stepped 税收应该划分等级 PHRASAL VERBS step aside intransitive verb (move to one side) 让开 ràngkāi she stepped aside to let them pass 她站到一边让他们过去 (leave post) 让位 ràngwèi to step aside for or in favour of sb; 让位于某人 step back intransitive verb (move backwards) 后退 hòutuì she stepped back from the table 她从桌子旁向后退 going into the hotel is like stepping back in time 走进这家宾馆就像是回到了过去 (mentally detach oneself from) 退后一步思考 tuìhòu yī bù sīkǎo we are learning to step back from ourselves 我们正努力学着走出自我的樊篱来看问题 step down intransitive verb (come down) 走下来 zǒu xialai to step down from the train 走下火车 (resign) 让位 ràngwèi he stepped down from the chairmanship of the party 他从党主席的位置上退了下来 to step down in favour of sb 让位于某人 he stepped down as Scotland’s coach 他辞去了苏格兰队教练的职务 step forward intransitive verb (move forward) 向前迈步 xiàng qián màibù (offer help or information) 主动站出来 zhǔdòng zhàn chulai we are appealing for volunteers to step forward 我们呼吁志愿者自告奋勇 step in intransitive verb (intervene) 介入 jièrù a local businessman stepped in with a large donation for the school 当地一位商人出面捐了一大笔钱给学校 the coach was forced to step in to stop the two athletes from coming to blows 教练被迫出面干预,阻止这两名运动员斗殴 (act as substitute) 代替 dàitì thanks for stepping in when David became ill 谢谢你在戴维生病期间接替他 step out intransitive verb (go out) 出去 chūqu she's just stepped out for a few minutes 她刚出去了几分钟 US informal dated (have relationship) 约会 yuēhuì to step out with sb; 与某人约会 (stride) 大步走 dà bù zǒu step out on transitive verb [step out on sb] US informal 对…不忠 duì… bù zhōng step outside intransitive verb (go out) 出去 chūqu I opened the door and stepped outside 我开门走了出去 (go out for fight) 出去较量 chūqu jiàoliàng step up A. intransitive verb (move forward) 向前走 xiàng qián zǒu she stepped up to receive her prize 她走上前去领奖 (mainly US) (agree to help) 同意帮忙 tóngyì bāngmáng it's time you stepped up 该你站出来帮忙了 B. transitive verb [step sth up, step up sth] (increase) 增加 zēngjiā to step up one's efforts to do sth 更加努力地做某事 he has stepped up his training to prepare for the race 他加强了训练,为那场赛跑做准备




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