

词汇 rod
rod | BrE rɒd, AmE rɑd | noun (thin bar) gān a wood/metal rod 木杆/铁棒 a nuclear fuel rod 核燃料棒 (for punishment) 棍棒 gùnbàng spare the rod and spoil the child proverb 孩子不打不成器 a rod to beat sb with 攻击某人的把柄 to make a rod for one's own back 自讨苦吃 to rule with a rod of iron 实行铁腕统治 (for fishing) 钓竿 diàogān to fish with rod and line 用鱼竿钓鱼 Anatomy 视网膜杆 shìwǎngmógǎn US informal (pistol) 手枪 shǒuqiāng




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