词汇 | roll |
释义 | roll | BrE rəʊl, AmE roʊl | A. transitive verb ① (move on wheels, rollers, etc.) 使滚动 ▸ to roll a ball along/across the ground 沿着球场往前带球/将球传到球场的另一边 ▸ to roll barrels up the ramp 把桶滚上斜坡 ▸ to roll sth across sth; 将…推到某处的另一边 ‹vehicle, trolley, piano›▸ to roll sth forward 往前推某物 ▸ to roll the car back a few metres 把汽车往回推几米 ② (make into tube, ball) 将…卷起 ‹cigarette, paper›▸ to roll into a ball 将…揉成团 ‹paper, dough, clay› 将…绕成团 ‹wool›▸ (all) rolled into one (全部)融为一体 ▸ to roll one's own 自己卷烟 ③ (flatten) 擀 ‹dough, pastry›; 推平 ‹lawn›; 碾平 ‹road›; 轧平 ‹metal›▸ to roll sth into sth; 将…轧成某物 ‹sheets, bars›④ (rotate in place) 转动 ▸ to roll sth between one's fingers 在手指间转动某物 ⑤ (turn to different position) 使翻转 ▸ to roll the patient on to his back 给病人翻身成仰卧姿势 ⑥ ▸ (turn upwards) to roll one's eyes 翻白眼 ⑦ informal (overturn) «person, driver» 弄翻 ‹vehicle›▸ she rolled her car 她开翻了车 ⑧ (fold up) 卷起 ‹sleeves, trousers›⑨ (start operating) 启动 ‹movie camera, presses›▸ roll 'em! informal 开拍! ⑩ (throw) 掷 ‹dice›⑪ informal (rob) [尤指趁人醉酒或熟睡时] 抢劫 ⑫ Linguistics 用颤音发出 ▸ to roll one's r's 发r的舌尖颤音 B. intransitive verb ① (move on wheels, rollers, etc.) 滚动 ▸ to roll into sth; 驶进某处 ▸ to roll down sth; 滚下 ‹hill, slope›▸ to roll forwards/backwards; 向前/向后滚动 ▸ to roll to a halt 滚动后停下 ② (move by turning over) 翻滚 ▸ to roll behind sb/sth; 滚到某人/某物后面 ▸ to roll on to sb/sth; 滚到某人身上/某物上面 ▸ to roll under sb/sth; 滚到某人身下/某物下面 ▸ the ball rolled over the line 球滚过了线 ▸ to roll down/off sth; 滚下/滚离某处 ▸ he rolled out of bed 他从床上滚了下来 ▸ to roll clear (of sth) 避开(某物) ▸ heads will roll (for sth) (因某事物)有些人要掉脑袋 ▸ to roll with the punches (in boxing) 躲闪对手的猛击 figurative (adapt) 适应艰苦环境 ③ (move smoothly) 平稳移动 ▸ to roll on to or up sth; 挪动到某物上 ▸ to roll away; 缓缓离开 ④ (curl up) «person, hedgehog» 蜷曲 ⑤ (rotate in place) 原地打滚 ▸ to roll in sth; «person, animal» 在…里打滚 ‹grass, mud, dust›▸ to be rolling (in it or money) informal 财源滚滚 ▸ to be rolling in the aisles 笑声不断 ▸ rolling drunk 醉得摇摇晃晃 ⑥ (turn in different direction) «person» 翻身 ▸ to roll on to sth; 翻身呈某姿势 ▸ to roll on to one's back/front/side 翻身仰卧/俯卧/侧卧 ⑦ (rotate lengthwise) «aircraft, vehicle» 翻滚 ⑧ (turn upwards) 向上翻 ▸ her eyes rolled 她翻了翻白眼 ⑨ (sway) «person, ship, aircraft» 摇晃 ▸ to roll to and fro/from side to side 前后/左右摇晃 ⑩ (rumble) «thunder» 隆隆响 ⑪ Music «drum» 咚咚响 ⑫ (start operating machine) 开动 ▸ cameras, roll! 开拍! ▸ let’s roll (mainly US) informal 咱们开始吧 ▸ to get (sth) rolling informal (使某事)顺利开始 ▸ to keep sth rolling informal 使某事顺利进行下去 ▸ let the good times roll! informal 尽情享乐吧! C. noun ① countable (cylinder) 一卷 ▸ a roll of film/paper/cloth/tobacco 一卷胶卷/纸/布/烟 ② countable US, Australian (wad) 一沓 ▸ a roll of banknotes 一沓钞票 ③ countable US (packet) 一管 ▸ a roll of candy/mints 一管糖/薄荷糖果 ④ countable (of flesh, fat) 一堆 ; (of skin) 一圈 ⑤ countable (piece of bread) 小圆面包 ⑥ uncountable and countable (pressed meat) 肉卷 ⑦ countable (in gymnastics) 翻跟头 ▸ a forward/backward roll 前/后滚翻 ⑧ countable Aviation (rotation in flight) 翻滚 ⑨ uncountable and countable (swaying) 摇晃 ▸ the car corners well with a minimum of roll 这辆车拐弯性能良好,晃动轻微 ▸ to walk with a roll of the hips 走起路来臀部一扭一扭的 ⑩ countable (throw of dice) 掷骰子 ▸ to be on a roll informal 连连获胜 ⑪ countable (of thunder) 隆隆声 ⑫ countable (of drums) 咚咚声 ⑬ countable (register) 花名册 ▸ we have about ninety members on our or the roll(s) 我们的名单上大约有90名会员 ▸ to call or take the roll 点名 ▸ a class roll 班级学生名册 ▸ an electoral roll 选民名册 ▸ to be struck off the roll 被除名 ⑭ countable (number on list) 名单总人数 ▸ falling school rolls 下降的在校学生人数 PHRASAL VERBS roll about intransitive verb British = roll aroundroll along intransitive verb «vehicle» 平稳向前行驶 roll around intransitive verb «person, animal» 原地打滚 ; «marble, tin» 原地滚动 ▸ to roll around on the grass 在草地上打滚 roll back A. intransitive verb «person, computer» 回退 B. transitive verb [roll sth back, roll back sth] ① (roll up) 卷起 ‹carpet, sleeve›② (reverse progress of) «person, event, film» 使…倒流 ‹years›③ (move farther away) 使…后退 ‹frontier, desert›④ Military «troops» 击退 ‹enemy›⑤ (reduce power of) 削弱…的影响 ‹state, ideology›⑥ Finance 使…回落 ‹prices, inflation›roll down transitive verb [roll sth down, roll down sth] 放下 ‹sleeve, trouser leg, blind›roll in A. intransitive verb ① informal (arrive in large numbers) «letters, offers, money, tourists» 纷至沓来 ② informal (arrive late) «person» 姗姗来迟 ▸ he didn't roll in until 3 am 他直到下午3点才慢吞吞地来了 ③ (move, flow) «waves, smoke, cloud, fog» 滚滚而来 ④ (arrive) «truck, tank» 驶来 B. transitive verb ① ▸ (coat in) to roll sth in sth; 把某物裹在某物里 ▸ to roll the meat in the breadcrumbs 将肉裹上面包屑 ② ▸ (wrap in) to roll sb in sth; 把某人裹在某物里 roll off transitive verb [roll off sth] «vehicles» 从…生产出 ‹production line›; «newspapers» 从…印出 ‹presses›roll on A. intransitive verb «time, hours» 流逝 ▸ roll on Christmas/next week! British 圣诞节/下一周快点来吧! B. transitive verb [roll sth on, roll on sth] ① (by unravelling) «person» 滚卷着穿 ‹stockings›② ▸ (apply) to roll on deodorant 滚抹除臭剂 roll out transitive verb [roll sth out, roll out sth] ① (flatten) 碾平 ‹bumps›; 擀平 ‹pastry, dough, lumps›; 轧平 ‹metal›② (unroll) 将…铺开 ‹carpet, map›③ (launch) 推出 ‹product, model›; 开展 ‹campaign›roll over A. intransitive verb ① (turn over) «vehicle, ship» 侧翻 ▸ to roll over on one's back/stomach 翻身仰卧/俯卧 ② informal (be easily defeated) «player, team» 不堪一击 B. [roll sb over] transitive verb ① (turn over) 使…翻身 ‹patient, invalid›▸ to roll sb over on to sth; 将某人翻转成某姿势 ‹back, front, stomach, side›▸ they rolled him over on to his back 他们给他翻身使他仰卧 ② informal (defeat easily) 轻易击败 ‹player, team›C. [roll sth over] transitive verb Finance 准许…延期偿还 ‹loan, debt›roll up A. intransitive verb ① informal (arrive) «guests, visitors» [尤指迟到或不合时宜、衣着不整等情况下] 到来 ▸ roll up! (at fairground) 快来看哪! ② (form ball, tube) «person, animal» 蜷缩 ; «carpet, paper, map, garment» 卷起 B. [roll sth up, roll up sth] transitive verb ① (shorten) 挽起 ‹sleeve, trouser leg›② (make into ball, tube) 卷起 ‹carpet, map, paper›C. [roll sb/sth up, roll up sb/sth] transitive verb (wrap) 将…裹起来 ▸ to roll sb/sth up in a blanket; 用毛毯将某人/某物裹起来 |
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