

词汇 root
root | BrE ruːt, AmE rut | A. noun (of plant) gēn to take root «plant» 生根 shēnggēn «idea, feeling» 深入人心 shēn rù rénxīn to pull sth up or out by the roots; 将某物连根拔起 (of hair, tooth) 根(部) gēn(bù) electrolysis kills off the hair at the root 电解脱毛可以杀死毛体根部 figurative (of problem, matter) 起因 qǐyīn ; (of unhappiness, evil) 根源 gēnyuán to get at or to the root(s) of the problem 找到问题的根源 the root of all evil 万恶之源 Linguistics 词根 cígēn Mathematics gēn square/cube root 平方根/立方根 B. roots plural noun (origins) [家族、种族、文化等的] gēn to get back to one's roots 回到故乡 to have roots 有根基 to put down new roots 在新地方扎根 C. transitive verb Botany 使…生根 shǐ… shēnggēn cuttings, plants to be/stand rooted to the spot or ground figurative (unmoving) 在/站在原地一动不动 (establish deeply) 使…根深蒂固 shǐ… gēn shēn dì gù feelings, emotionsto be rooted in sth 深深扎根于某事物 a story firmly rooted in reality 牢固建立在现实基础上的故事 to have a deeply rooted dislike of sth 对某事物怀有根深蒂固的厌恶 D. intransitive verb Botany 生根 shēnggēn (search) 翻找 fānzhǎo he opened a drawer and rooted through it 他打开抽屉翻了个遍 (turn up the ground) «animal» 用嘴拱土觅食 yòng zuǐ gǒng tǔ mì shí to root for sth; 用嘴拱土寻找某物 PHRASAL VERBS root around, root about intransitive verb 搜寻 sōuxún to root around or about for sth 四处搜寻某物 root for transitive verb [root for sb/sth] informal (cheer) 为…加油 wèi… jiāyóu good luck in the exams; we're all rooting for you! 祝你考试有好运,我们都为你加油鼓劲! root out transitive verb [root out sth, rootsth out] 根除 gēnchú corruption, dissent, dissenterroot up transitive verb [root up sth, root sth up] 连根拔起 liángēn báqǐ plant, bush




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