

词汇 tag
tag1 | BrE taɡ, AmE tæɡ | A. noun (label) (on garment, goods, luggage, file) 标签 biāoqiān ; (on person, animal) 标牌 biāopái a name/price/luggage tag 姓名标牌/价格标签/行李挂牌 a dog US or an identification British tag 身份识别牌 Law (electronic device) [戴在罪犯身上的] 电子跟踪器 diànzǐ gēnzōngqì (loose end) [挂下来的] 碎片 suìpiàn (for hanging clothes) 挂襻 guàpàn Linguistics [表示强调的] 附加语 fùjiāyǔ (stock phrase) 警句 jǐngjù Latin tags 拉丁语格言 (on shoelace, cord etc.) 包头 bāotóu Computing 标识符 biāozhìfú (epithet) 称号 chēnghào US informal (licence plate) 汽车牌照 qìchē páizhào B. transitive verb present participle tagging past tense, past participle tagged (attach label to) 给…加标签 gěi… jiā biāoqiān garment, file; 给…系标牌 gěi… jì biāopái animal; 给…戴电子跟踪器 gěi… dài diànzǐ gēnzōngqì criminalto tag sb/sth as sth; 将某人/某物标明为某物 (name, describe) 把…称作 bǎ… chēngzuò the film/novel was tagged (as) ‘surreal’ 该电影/小说被称为“超现实主义”作品 US Motor Vehicles informal 发违章传票给 fā wéizhāng chuánpiào gěi he was tagged for speeding 他因超速行驶而收到了违章传票 (add at the end) 给…加结束语 gěi… jiā jiéshùyǔ piece of writing Computing 用标识符标记 yòng biāozhìfú biāojì document British informal (follow closely) 跟随 gēnsuí I tagged him to an old house on the outskirts of town 我尾随他来到城郊的一幢老房子 C. intransitive verb present participle tagging past tense, past participle tagged informal 尾随 wěisuí to tag after sb; 尾随某人 PHRASAL VERBS tag along intransitive verb 尾随 wěisuí to tag along after or behind sb 尾随某人 to tag along with sb 跟随某人一起走 tag on A. intransitive verb 尾随 wěisuí to tag on to sth; 跟随某物 B. transitive verb [tag sth on, tag on sth] 添加 tiānjiā to tag sth on to sth; 将…加在某物上 label, note




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