

词汇 take
take | BrE teɪk, AmE teɪk | A. transitive verb past tense took past participle taken (carry from one place to another) 携带 xiédài ; (accompany from one place to another) 带领 dàilǐng to take sb/sth with one; 带上某人/某物 to take the car to the garage 把汽车送到修理厂 to take sth upstairs/downstairs 把某物拿到楼上/楼下 to take sb to school/work/the hospital 送某人去上学/去上班/去医院 to take sb/sth swimming/riding 带某人/某物去游泳/骑马 to take sb/sth home 带某人/某物回家 to take the dog for a walk 去遛狗 he took her a bunch of flowers 他给她送去一束花 take these chairs into the garden 把这些椅子搬到花园里 to take sb to have a haircut 带某人去理发 to take sth to be mended 把某物送去修理 he was taken before the court 他被带上法庭 honestly, I can't take you anywhere! informal humorous 老实说,我不能带你走! (bring into specified state) 使达到 shǐ dádào I’d like to take my argument a stage further 我想进一步阐述我的论点 we’ll take the matter forward at our next meeting 我们下次开会将继续讨论此事 the invasion took Europe to the brink of war 这次入侵将欧洲推到了战争的边缘 I'll take it from here 我来处理接下来的事 (reach and hold) object; bào person, animalto take sb by the arm; 挽着某人的胳膊 to take sb by the throat 扼住某人的喉咙 he took her by the hand 他牵着她的手 (use) 取用 qǔyòng take three eggs and break them into a large bowl 取三个鸡蛋打进大碗里 (remove) (from place, person) 取走 qǔzǒu ; (without permission) 擅自拿走 shànzì názǒu ; (by mistake) 错拿 cuò ná to take sth from sb/sth; 从某人那里/某处拿走某物 he took a book from the shelf 他从书架上拿了一本书 these documents may not be taken from the building 这些文件不能擅自带出大楼 did the burglars take anything valuable? 盗贼偷走了什么贵重物品吗? has someone taken my scarf? 谁错拿了我的围巾? (get from source) 取得 qǔdé the passage is taken from his latest book 这段文字出自他的新书 the machine takes its name from its inventor 这机器是以发明者的名字命名的 (subtract) 减去 jiǎnqù number, quantityseven take five leaves two informal 7减5剩2 (capture) 夺取 duóqǔ fortress, garrison, town; 抓获 zhuāhuò prisonerto take sb alive 活捉某人 Games yíng trick; 吃掉 chīdiào piece, pawn; 赢得 yíngdé prize, titlehe took my bishop with his rook 他用车吃了我的象 (rent) to take lodgings 租房子住 (buy) 要买 yào mǎi clothing, goods, article; British (buy regularly) 订阅 dìngyuè newspaper, magazineto take three pints of milk every day 每天订3品脱的奶 I'll take a kilo of apples, please 请给我称一公斤苹果 (consume) chī food, medicine; 接受 jiēshòu remedy; drink, milknot to be taken internally Medicine 不可内服 you should take something for your stomach 你应当吃点胃药 do you take sugar in your tea? 你喝茶放糖吗? to take tea/lunch with sb British formal 和某人一起喝茶/吃午饭 (record) 记录 jìlù can I take your name and address, please? 可否请你留下姓名和地址? to take the minutes (of a meeting) 做会议记录 Photography pāi photo, picture (measure) 测量 cèliáng pulse, temperatureto take sb's blood pressure 给某人量血压 to take a reading (of thermometer, scale) 记录读数 to take sb's measurements (for clothes) 为某人量尺寸 (occupy) zhàn chair, placetake a seat! 坐吧! (consider as example) 以…为例 yǐ… wéi lì let us or if we take the situation in France 我们以法国的情况为例 take John (for example) 比方说约翰 (accept sth) 接受 jiēshòu ; (accept, admit sb) 接纳 jiēnà to take advice 接受建议 to take a job 接受工作 take it or leave it (making offer) 要就要,不要就算 (expressing lack of interest in offer) 无所谓 to take it on or upon oneself to do sth 擅自决定做某事 (you can) take it from me (that) … informal 我(向你)保证… to take sb as they come 不苛求某人 to take sb/sth as it comes 顺其自然 take that! 看招! the doctor does take some private patients 这位医生的确收诊一些自费病人 the school doesn’t take boys 这所学校不收男生 do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? formal 你愿接受这个男人成为你的合法丈夫吗? (earn) 收入 shōurù the shop takes £2,500 a week 这家商店每周的赢利为2,500英镑 (consider valid) 认可 rènkě I take your point 我认可你的观点 (bear, endure, accept) 承受 chéngshòu can the ropes take the strain? 这些绳子能承受住拉力吗? go on, tell me: I can take it! 说下去,告诉我:我扛得住! to take a joke 开得起玩笑 to take a blow/beating 挨一拳/一顿揍 she can't take being criticized 她受不了被人批评 I find it difficult to take his rudeness 我难以接受他的粗鲁 she just sat there and took it! 她就这么忍气吞声了! (react to) 对…作出反应 duì… zuòchū fǎnyìng to take sb/sth seriously/lightly 认真/轻率地对待某人/某事物 to take sth well/badly 从容接受某事/对某事想不开 to take things one or a step at a time 循序渐进 how did she take the news of his death? 她对他的死讯作何反应? (believe, regard as being so) 认为 rènwéi ; (understand as being so) 理解 lǐjiě how am I supposed to take that remark? 那句话我该怎么理解? to take sth in isolation 孤立地看待某事 to take sth as sth; 将某事看作某事 she took what he said as a compliment 她将他的话视作褒扬 what do you take this poem to mean? 你认为这首诗的意义何在? what do you take me for? 你把我当成什么人了? I took him to be honest 我原以为他是诚实的 I take it (that) … 我认为… I don't think she took my meaning 我想她没理解我的意思 (adopt) 持有 chíyǒu to take the view or attitude that … 持有…的看法/态度 to take a tough/soft line on sb/sth 对某人/某事采取强硬/柔和的态度 (feel) 感到 gǎndào to take an interest in sth 对某事物感兴趣 don’t take offence at what I said 我的话你别见怪 (use course of action) 采取 cǎiqǔ action, step; 采用 cǎiyòng measures, approach (perform action) [与名词连用,表示具体动作]to take a shower 冲澡 to take a walk 散步 to take a decision 作决定 to take a short break/deep breath 休息片刻/深呼吸 (develop particular form) 呈现 chéngxiàn our next class will take the form of a debate 我们下一堂课将采用辩论形式 (need) 需要 xūyào to take sb/sth a long time/three hours to do sth 某人/某物做某事需要很长时间/三小时 it’ll take time for her to recover from the illness 她要过很长时间才能康复 it would take a strong person/a genius to do that 做那事需要身体健壮的人/天才 it takes patience/courage to do sth 做某事需要耐心/勇气 it doesn’t take much to make her angry 她动不动就生气 to take some or a bit of doing informal 不容易做到 she'll take some persuading 想说服她可得费一番口舌 to have (got) what it takes (to do sth) informal 具备成功(做某事)的才能 (operate using) «car, machine» 使用 shǐyòng unleaded petrol, diesel, battery (wear) 穿 chuān she takes a size 12/a size 10 in shoes 她穿12号衣服/10号鞋 (hold) 容纳 róngnà the bus can take 60 passengers 这辆公共汽车可载60名乘客 the tank takes 50 litres 这个桶能装50升 this suitcase will not take any more clothes 这个手提箱装不下更多衣服了 (teach subject) 教授 jiàoshòu ; (study subject) 学习 xuéxí ; (be examined in subject) 参加 cānjiā exam, testwho takes you for French? 谁给你上法语课? he took lessons in Arabic 他上过阿拉伯语课 British (be awarded) 获得 huòdé degree (officiate at) «priest, vicar» 主持 zhǔchí service, mass, prayers, wedding (use as means of transport) «passenger» chéng bus, plane, train, ferry; (be means of transport for) «train, car» 运送 yùnsòng passenger, travellerthis bus will take you to the station 坐这辆公共汽车可以到车站 (use as route) 取道 qǔdào ; (be route for) «path» 把…引向 bǎ… yǐnxiàng person, vehicleto take the first (on the) left/right 在第一个路口左转/右转 to take the coast road 走沿海公路 this road takes you to the Town Hall 这条路通往市政厅 (cause to go) 使…去 shǐ… qù his work takes him to many different countries 他常去不同的国家出差 what took you to Paris? 你怎么会去巴黎的? (negotiate) 翻越 fānyuè fence, hill; 绕过 ràoguo bendhe takes the corners with no concern for his own safety 他急转弯时不顾自己的安危 Sport (kick ball) ; (throw ball) zhì to take a penalty/free kick/corner/throw-in 主罚点球/主罚任意球/开角球/掷界外球 (establish opinions using) 进行 jìnxíng vote, poll, survey Linguistics «verb, noun, preposition» 与…连用 yǔ… liányòng object, case literary (have sex with) 与…性交 yǔ… xìngjiāo dated (get by marrying) «man» wife; «woman» 嫁给 jiàgěi husband Fishing «fish» yǎo bait, flyB. intransitive verb past tense took past participle taken (need specified time) 费时 fèishí how long will it take? 它需要多长时间? it does not take long to do sth 做某事不需要很长时间 (have desired effect) «vaccination, drug» 奏效 zòuxiào the dye won't take in cold water 这种染料在冷水中染色效果不理想 (grow successfully, become established) «seed, plant» 成活 chénghuó the skin graft failed to take 移植的皮肤没能成活 Fishing «fish» 咬钩 yǎo gōu C. noun Music, Cinema (single recording) (一次)录音 (yī cì)lùyīn ; (single shot) (一次)拍摄 (yī cì)pāishè they shot the scene in one take 这个镜头他们一次就拍好了 ‘it's a take!’ “一次过!” informal (opinion) 看法 kànfa ; (version) 阐释 chǎnshì a take on sth; 对某事物的看法 a new take on the Romeo and Juliet story 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》故事新解 informal (takings) 收入额 shōurù'é to be on the take informal 受贿 Fishing, Hunting (of fish) 捕捞量 bǔlāoliàng ; (of animals, birds) 捕猎量 bǔlièliàng PHRASAL VERBS take aback transitive verb [take sb aback] 使大吃一惊 shǐ dà chī yī jīng to be taken aback by sb/sth; 被某人/某事物吓一跳 take after transitive verb [take after sb] (be like) xiàng parentUS informal (chase) 追赶 zhuīgǎn take along transitive verb [take sb/sth along, take along sb/sth] 携带 xiédài object; 带着 dàizhe personto take sb/sth along with one; 带着某人/某物 take apart transitive verb [take sb/sth apart, take apart sb/sth] (dismantle) 拆卸 chāixiè car, machine(criticize) 严厉批评 yánlì pīpíng essay, film, bookinformal (defeat) 轻易打败 qīngyì dǎbài opponent, teamtake around transitive verb = take round 2take aside transitive verb [take sb aside] 把…带到一边 bǎ… dàidào yībiān take away A. [take sth away, take away sth] transitive verb British (buy for eating elsewhere) 买…带走 mǎi… dàizǒu foodtwo burgers to take away, please 请来两份汉堡包,带走 (cause to disappear) 消除 xiāochú fear, griefto take the pain away 止痛 to take away sb's appetite 倒某人的胃口 (subtract) 减去 jiǎnqù numberten take away four is or leaves six, take four away from ten and it leaves six 10减去4等于6 B. [take sb/sth away, take away sb/sth] transitive verb (remove) 弄走 nòngzǒu person, objectto take sb/sth away from sb/sth; 把某人/某物从某人处/某处弄走 ‘not to be taken away’ “请勿带走” take away from: transitive verb [take away from sth] 减少 jiǎnshǎo success, meritsthat doesn't take anything away from his achievement 那丝毫不能贬低他的成绩 take back A. [take sth back, take back sth] transitive verb (return to shop) 退回 tuìhuí to take a faulty product back to the shop 把有缺陷的商品退回商店 (accept back) «shop, person» 回收 huíshōu goods, gift(retract) 收回 shōuhuí statement, wordsI take it back 我收回说过的话 to take back a or one's promise 反悔 B. [take sb back] transitive verb (cause to remember) 勾起…的回忆 gōuqǐ… de huíyì the smell of the sea took him back to his childhood 大海的气息让他回想起了童年 (allow to come back) 重新接纳 chóngxīn jiēnà partner, employeehe took his wife back after she had left him 妻子离开他之后他又同意她回家了 take down A. [take sth down, take down sth] transitive verb (carry to lower level) 将…拿下来 jiāng… ná xialai book, boxto take sth down to sb/sth; 将某物拿下来给某人/放到某处 she took the medicine down to the child 她把药拿下来给孩子 to take sth down from sth; 从某处取下某物 please take the clock down from the shelf 请把钟从架子上拿下来 (remove from fixed position) 摘掉 zhāidiào picture, sign, curtainsto take sth down from sth; 从某处摘下某物 (lower) 褪下 tuìxia skirt, trousers(dismantle) 拆除 chāichú tent, gate, barricade(write down) 记录 jìlù name, details, speechB. [take sb down, take down sb] transitive verb (accompany to lower level) 带…下去 dài… xiàqù person, animalto take sb down to sb/sth; 带某人下去见某人/到某处 take hold intransitive verb «disease» 加重 jiāzhòng ; «epidemic» 爆发 bàofā ; «idea, ideology» 产生影响 chǎnshēng yǐngxiǎng take hold of transitive verb [take hold of sb/sth] (grasp) 抓住 zhuāzhù person, animal, object(overwhelm) «feeling, idea» 完全控制 wánquán kòngzhì person, animalpanic took hold of him 他惊恐万分 take in A. [take sb/sth in, take in sb/sth] transitive verb (carry, accompany inside) 将…搬进去 jiāng… bān jinqu things, plant; 带…进去 dài… jinqu person, animal(allow to stay) 收留 shōuliú person; 让…留宿 ràng… liúsù lodger; 收养 shōuyǎng stray animalB. [take sth in, take in sth] transitive verb (understand) 理解 lǐjiě situationI can't take it in! 这个我弄不明白! I just couldn't take his death in 他的死让我难以置信 (absorb) 吸收 xīshōu nutrients, oxygen(start to fill with) «boat» 渗进 shènjìn water(mainly US) (go to see) 去观看 qù guānkàn movie, play, exhibition, match(observe) 注意到 zhùyì dào detail, spectacle, situation; (enjoy) 享受 xiǎngshòu atmospherehe took in the scene at a glance 他一眼就看到了那场面 (accept for payment) 揽…回家做 lǎn… huíjiā zuò washing, ironing, mendingC. [take sb in, take in sb] transitive verb (deceive) 欺骗 qīpiàn he was taken in 他上当了 don't be taken in by appearances! 不要被外表迷惑! D. [take in sth] transitive verb (include) 包括 bāokuò place, subject, developmenttake off A. intransitive verb (start to fly) «aircraft, flight» 起飞 qǐfēi ; «bird» 飞起来 fēi qilai to take off from sth; 从某处起飞 to take off for sth; 飞往某处 (jump) «athlete, high jumper» 起跳 qǐtiào informal (leave) 开溜 kāiliū (become popular, successful) «idea» 大受欢迎 dà shòu huānyíng ; «fashion» 迅速流行 xùnsù liúxíng ; «product» 畅销 chàngxiāo B. [take sth off, take off sth] transitive verb (remove) 脱下 tuōxia coat, trousers, shoes; 摘下 zhāixia gloves, hatthe nurse took his clothes off 护士给他脱了衣服 please take your hands off me/your feet off the seat 请把你的手从我身上拿开/请勿踩踏座位 to take sth off sb (remove from possession of) 从某人手中夺走某物 (stop from being performed or broadcast) 停演 tíng yǎn show, play; 停播 tíng bō programmeto take sth off the market 在市场上停售某物 (withdraw from service) 取消 qǔxiāo bus, train(cut off) 截去 jiéqù part of body; 剪掉 jiǎndiào hairhis leg had to be taken off just below the knee 他不得不从膝盖以下截肢 (detach) 拿掉 nádiào lid; 卸下 xièxia door; 使…剥落 shǐ… bōluò paintto take sth off sth; 从某物上弄掉某物 to take sth off sth (deduct) 从某总量扣除某数量 cóng mǒu zǒngliàng kòuchú mǒu shùliàng to take £10 off the price (of sth) (将某物)降价10英镑 (jiāng mǒu wù)jiàngjià 1 0 yīngbàng that experience took ten years off my life 那段经历让我老了十岁 that hairstyle takes 15 years off you! 那个发型让你看上去年轻了15岁! to take sth off sth (stop including) 从某处去除某项 cóng mǒu chù qùchú mǒu xiàng my name had been taken off the list 我的名字从名单上画掉了 fish has been taken off the menu 菜单上去掉了鱼 càidān shang qùdiàole yú C. [take sth off] transitive verb (have as holiday) 休…的假 xiū… de jià week, morningto take two days off 休两天假 to take the afternoon/time off work 下午请假/请假不上班 D. [take sb off, take off sb] transitive verb informal (imitate) 模仿 mófǎng he takes the Prime Minister off to perfection 他把首相模仿得惟妙惟肖 (end participation of) 换下 huànxia player, performerto take sb off the case/project 禁止某人继续办案/参与项目 (remove from ship) 使弃船 shǐ qì chuán to take sb off sth; 使某人撤离某处 a helicopter took the six crew members off 一架直升机营救了六名船员 to take sb off sth (stop from using) 使某人停止使用某物 shǐ mǒu rén tíngzhǐ shǐyòng mǒu wù she was taken off the ventilator 她的呼吸器被拿掉了 E. [take sb off] transitive verb (cause to leave) 带走 dàizǒu personto take sb off to prison 将某人投入监狱 F. to take oneself off reflexive verb 离开 líkāi to take oneself off to sth; 动身去某处 dòngshēn qù mǒu chù take on A. [take sb on, take on sb] transitive verb (employ) 雇用 gùyòng employee, staffto take sb on as sth; 聘用某人担任某职位 (accept as client) 承接 chéngjiē (compete against) 与…比赛 yǔ… bǐsài person, opponent, teamI can beat him! I'll take him on! 我能打败他!我要与他一争高下! Liverpool are taking on Arsenal in the Cup Final 利物浦队将在足总杯决赛中迎战阿森纳队 to take sb on at tennis/badminton 与某人打一场网球/羽毛球比赛 (fight) 与…作战 yǔ… zuòzhàn person, armyB. [take sth on, take on sth] transitive verb (assume) 显现 xiǎnxiàn the chameleon can take on the colour of its background 变色龙可以呈现与背景一致的颜色 her eyes took on a hurt look 她的眼中透出受伤的神色 her voice took on a pleading note 她的声音带着恳求的语气 the word has taken on a whole new meaning 这个词有了一个全新的意义 the subject has taken on a new significance 该主题体现了一个新的意义 (undertake) 承担 chéngdān work, task, job, responsibilityto take on more than one has bargained for 承担比预期多的工作 C. [take sb/sth on, take on sb/sth] transitive verb (accept on board) 装载 zhuāngzài cargo, freight; 接载 jiēzài passengerthe plane took on more fuel 飞机接受了燃油补给 the ship stops at Cape Town to take on more passengers 轮船停靠在开普敦以接载更多的乘客 D. intransitive verb British informal dated 大惊小怪 dà jīng xiǎo guài don't take on so! 别这么紧张! take out A. [take sth out, take out sth] transitive verb (remove) (from container) 取出 qǔchū object, letter; (from place) 将…拿出去 jiāng… ná chuqu objectto take sth out of a drawer/box/bag 把某物从抽屉/盒子/袋子里拿出来 to take the excitement/worry out of sth 使某事物不再让人兴奋/忧虑 to take sb out of himself/herself 使某人摆脱烦恼 to take it or a lot out of sb 让某人精疲力竭 Dentistry, Medicine 拔掉 bádiào tooth; 切除 qiēchú appendix(withdraw from bank account) 提取 tíqǔ cash, amountto take money out of the bank 从银行取钱 US (buy for eating elsewhere) 买…带走 mǎi… dàizǒu foodtwo burgers to take out, please 请来两份汉堡包,带走 (deduct) 扣除 kòuchú money, contributions, taxto take sth out of sth; 从某处扣除某款项 (obtain officially) 获得 huòdé insurance, loan, patent, licence(cause to disappear) 除掉 chúdiào markto take a coffee/wine stain out of a carpet 除掉地毯上的咖啡/葡萄酒污渍 B. [take sb/sth out, take out sb/sth] transitive verb (go out with, accompany) 带…外出 dài… wàichū person, dog; (go out with socially) 请…外出 qǐng… wàichū personto take the child/dog out for a walk 带孩子出去散步/去遛狗 to take sb out to lunch/dinner 请某人出去吃午饭/晚饭 informal (kill) 干掉 gàndiào person, enemy; (destroy) 摧毁 cuīhuǐ site, target, installationinformal (put out of action) 使…不能工作 shǐ… bù néng gōngzuò person; 牵制 qiānzhì player; 使…瘫痪 shǐ… tānhuàn networktake out on: transitive verb to take sth out on sb/sth; 对某人/某物发泄某情绪 duì mǒu rén/mǒu wù fāxiè mǒu qíngxù she tended to take her anger/frustrations out on her family 她一动怒/受挫就爱拿家人出气 to take it out on sb 拿某人当出气筒 ná mǒu rén dāng chūqìtǒng take over A. intransitive verb (assume power) «rebels, protesters, faction» 接管 jiēguǎn to take over from sb/sth; 从某人/某组织手中接管 (dominate) «person, feeling» 起支配作用 qǐ zhīpèi zuòyòng he's always trying to take over 他总想发号施令 don't let negative thoughts take over 别让消极的想法左右你 to take over from sb; (assume responsibility in place of sb) 接替某人 (perform activity in place of sb) 接手某人的工作 jiēshǒu mǒu rén de gōngzuò to take over as sth; 继任某职位 she's taken over as boss 她继任老板 to take over from sth (be replacement for sth) 替代某物 tìdài mǒu wù the computer has taken over from the typewriter 计算机取代了打字机 B. transitive verb [take sth over, take over sth] Military, Politics (assume power over, occupy) 接管 jiēguǎn town, country, party; 占领 zhànlǐng buildingto take over power from sb 从某人处接手权力 (assume charge of or responsibility for) 接管 jiēguǎn company, business, shop; 接手 jiēshǒu duty, responsibility, cookingCBS Records was taken over by Sony 哥伦比亚唱片公司被索尼公司收购 shall I take over the driving for a while? 我替你开一会儿车好吗? to take over sth from sb/sth; 接替某人/某物做某事 who can take over the leadership from the Prime Minister? 谁能够继任首相的领导职务? take place intransitive verb «event, incident» 发生 fāshēng ; «meeting, ceremony» 举行 jǔxíng take round: transitive verb [take sth round, take round sth] (circulate with) 分发 fēnfā [take sb round] (show, accompany) 带…看 dài… kàn to take sb round sth; 带某人参观某处 take through: transitive verb to take sb through sth; 帮助某人了解某事 bāngzhù mǒu rén liǎojiě mǒu shì to take the actors through the scene 给演员说戏 gěi yǎnyuán shuōxì take to A. [take to sth] transitive verb (go to) forest, hills; 登上 dēngshang lifeboatshe's ill and has taken to his bed 他卧病在床 to take to the streets to protest 走上街头抗议 (develop habit of) 开始养成…的习惯 kāishǐ yǎngchéng… de xíguàn she's taken to drink 她开始酗酒了 to take to doing sth; 开始习惯于做某事 she's taken to watching TV before doing her homework 她养成了先看电视后做作业的习惯 (develop ability for) 培养…的能力 péiyǎng… de nénglì she took to tennis as if she’d been playing all her life 她网球学得很快,好像打了一辈子似的 to take sth to sb/sth (use on) 用…对付某人/某物 yòng… duìfu mǒu rén/mǒu wù axe, sledgehammerI took a hacksaw to the shaft and cut it into three sections 我用弓锯把杆子锯成了三段 B. [take to sb/sth] transitive verb (develop liking for) 喜欢上 xǐhuan shang person, occupation, ideaI took to him the moment I saw him 我对他一见钟情 take up A. [take sth/sb up, take up sth/sb] transitive verb (carry to higher level) 拿…上去 ná… shàngqu book, box, tray; (accompany to higher level) 带…上去 dài… shàngqu person, animalto take sth up to sb/sth; 将某物拿上去给某人/拿到上面某处 can you take the phone up to her? 请你把电话拿上去给她 to take sb up to sb/sth; 带某人上去见某人/带到上面某处 he took the doctor up to her room 他带医生上去到她房间里 B. [take sth up, take up sth] transitive verb (accept) 接受 jiēshòu offer, invitation, challenge(mention, raise) 提出 tíchū matter, questionto take up sb's case 提交某人的案件 to take up sth with sb; 向某人提出某事 I suggest you take this up with the boss 我建议你向老板提出此事 (shorten) 将…改短 jiāng… gǎiduǎn skirt, trousers, curtains(absorb) 吸收 xīshōu liquid, water, ink(remove) 掀起 xiānqǐ carpet, railway track; 翻起 fānqǐ road, runway(pick up) 拿起 náqǐ pen, brush, violin(start to engage in or work in) 开始从事 kāishǐ cóngshì activity, job, career; 开始学 kāishǐ xué tennis, pianoto take up one's duties or responsibilities 担负起职责 (add one's voice to) 加入 jiārù chorus, refrainto take up a cry 齐声高呼 (resume, return to) 继续 jìxù story, work, discussion; 回到 huídào itemI’d like to take up the point you raised earlier 我想回到你刚才提出的那一点 C. [take up sth] transitive verb (use up) 占用 zhànyòng space; 耗费 hàofèi energyit takes up too much time 这太费时间 to be taken up with sth; 忙于某事 (move into) «troops, army» 占据 zhànjù position(adopt) 采取 cǎiqǔ attitude, stanceto take up a high moral tone 大唱道德高调 D. intransitive verb «person, episode, book» 继续 jìxù to take up where sb/sth left off; 从某人/某事中断的地方接下去 take up on: transitive verb to take sb up on sth (challenge) 就…质问某人 jiù… zhìwèn mǒu rén point, assertionto take sb up on sth (accept) 接受某人的 jiēshòu mǒu rén de invitation, offer, challengeto take sb up on their promise 让某人信守承诺 ràng mǒu rén xìnshǒu chéngnuò take up with: transitive verb [take up with sb] dated informal (start to associate with) 结交 jiéjiāo he's taken up with a divorced woman 他和一个离了婚的女人勾搭在一起 to be taken up with sb/sth (be preoccupied with) 沉迷于某人/专注于某事 chénmí yú mǒu rén/zhuānzhù yú mǒu shì the Prime Minister is rather taken up with domestic issues 首相正致力于解决国内的问题




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