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词汇 to
to before consonant | BrE ,,tuː, AmE tu,/; before vowel | ,tu | ; stressed | tuː | A. preposition (indicating destination) to travel from place to place 四处奔波 to the country/town 到乡下/城里 to Paris/Spain 去巴黎/西班牙 to your positions! 各就各位! to go to a meeting 去开会 to sb's (place); 去某人家 she came to mine 她来到我家 I am going to the shop/hospital/station 我要去那商店/医院/车站 (in direction of, facing towards) xiàng to fall to the ground 落到地上 trains to and from Oxford 进出牛津的列车 children to the front, adults to the back 小孩到前面,大人到后面 he turned to the wall 他转身面向墙壁 he was standing with his back to them 他背对他们站着 (indicating recipient of sth) gěi give the book to Sophie 把书给索菲 she's given the meat to the dog 她把肉喂狗了 to explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事 who was the letter addressed to? 那封信寄给谁了? to whom did she address the letter? formal 她把那封信寄给谁了? (as far as, reaching particular state, indicating end of range or period) dào the meadows lead down to the river 草坪一直延伸到河边 her hair fell to her waist 她的头发垂至腰间 from this post to that tree it's 100 metres 从这根柱子到那棵树有100米 the vegetables were cooked to perfection 蔬菜烧的火候恰到好处 to change from amazement to joy 由惊奇变为喜悦 to count to 100 数到100 a cheque to the value of £100 一张面值为100英镑的支票 50 to 60 people 50到60人 in five to ten minutes 5到10分钟之后 to the end/this day 直到结束/今天 to this day, I don't know why he left 时至今日,我仍不明白为他为何离去 it’s been three years to the day since we met 从我们认识至今已整整3年了 (indicating location) 位于…方向 wèiyú… fāngxiàng to the left/right of sth 在某物的左侧/右边 40 miles to the south of the site 该地点以南40英里处 (against) 紧挨 jǐn āi holding the letter to his chest 他把信攥在胸口 back to back 背靠背 (mainly British) (before, until) 在…之前 zài… zhīqián it's five to ten 现在10点差5分 how long is it to lunch? 还有多久吃午餐? (indicating connection) zài attach this rope to the front of the car 把这根绳子系在汽车前部 he had a name tag attached to his lapel 他上衣翻领上贴了一张姓名标签 (indicating person or thing affected, relationship) duì to be devoted to one's family 深爱家庭 be nice to your brother 对你弟弟好一点 she’s married to an Italian 她嫁给了一个意大利人 economic adviser to the President 总统的经济顾问 the key to the door 门钥匙 there's no sense to it 这毫无道理 (concerning) 关于 guānyú what's it to you? informal 关你什么事? a threat to world peace 对世界和平的威胁 she made a reference to her recent book 她提到了她最近的新书 there's nothing to it 非常简单 that's all there is to it (it's easy) 就这么简单 (not for further discussion) 到此为止 (in comparisons, ratios) I prefer walking to climbing 我喜欢散步胜过登山 we won by three goals to two 我们以3比2获胜 X is to Y as A is to B X比Y等于A比B (referring to quantities, measurements) (equalling) 等于 děngyú ; (per) měi there are 2.54 centimetres to an inch 1英寸等于2.54厘米 to do 30 miles to the gallon 每加仑汽油跑30英里 (in honour of) 向…表示敬意 xiàng… biǎoshì jìngyì a monument to the soldiers who died in the war 阵亡士兵纪念碑 to Jean (in dedication) 献给琼 to our dear son (on tombstone) 致我们的爱子 (for exclusive use of) 为…专用 wéi… zhuānyòng a room to myself 我自己的房间 (with intention of giving sth) 为了给 wèile gěi people rushed to her rescue 人们冲上前去救她 (indicating accompaniment) 伴随 bànsuí they danced to the music 他们随音乐起舞 to the sound of the drums 伴着鼓点声 (in accordance with) 与…一致 yǔ… yīzhì it isn’t to my taste 这不对我的口味 is the map to scale? 这张地图符合比例吗? the train is running to time 列车准点运行 (in the opinion of) 按…的看法 àn… de kànfa to my daughter, it's just a minor problem 对我女儿来说,这只是个小问题 it looks to me like rain 我看像是要下雨了 (showing reaction) ràng to his dismay/surprise 令他惊愕/惊讶的是 B. infinitive particle (expressing intention, outcome, cause) [表示目的、结果或原因]he did it to impress his friends 他那样做是为了打动朋友们 she managed to escape 她设法逃脱了 I’m sorry to hear that 听到那个消息我很抱歉 (expressing desire, wish) [表示愿望]oh to be able to stay in bed! humorous 哦,要是能待在床上该多好! oh to be in England! literary 唉,能去英格兰就好了! I’d love to go to France 我很想去法国 (indicating desired or advisable action) [表示想要或值得做的事]the leaflet explains how to apply for a place 手册解释了如何申请入学名额 (indicating sth known or believed) [表示为人相信的事或传闻]the house was said to be haunted 据说那房子闹鬼 (linking consecutive acts) [表示紧接着的动作]he looked up to see … 他抬头看见… he woke up only to find everyone had left 他醒来时发现所有人都走了 (expressing obligation or necessity) [表示应该或需要做的事]to be to do sth; 应该做某事 yīnggāi zuò mǒu shì you are not to talk during the exam 考试时不得交头接耳 (avoiding repetition of verb) [用以避免动词重复]did you go? — no, I promised not to 你去了吗?──没有,我答应过不去的 (following impersonal verb) [用于以it引导的非人称结构中]it is interesting/difficult etc. to do sth 做某事很有趣/很困难等 it's hard to understand why he did it 很难理解他为什么那样做 (expressing future) [表示将来的动作]to be about to do sth; 即将做某事 he was about to sing 他就要演唱了 (after noun expressing function) [表示功能或用途]something to eat 吃的东西 (after ordinal number, superlative) [用于序数词或最高级之后]the first person to arrive 第一个到达的人 the youngest to enter the competition 最年轻的参赛选手 C. adverb | BrE ,,tuː, AmE tu, | 关上 guānshang push the door to 推门关上 when the curtains are to 幕帘拉上时




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