

词汇 tempt
tempt | BrE tɛm(p)t, AmE tɛm(p)t | transitive verb 引诱 yǐnyòu can I tempt you to a whisky? 能请你喝一杯威士忌吗? to be or feel tempted to do sth 动心想做某事 she tempted me to dive into the water 她诱使我潜入水下 to tempt sb into sth/into doing sth; 引诱某人做某事 to tempt sb into engineering/a life of crime 吸引某人学习工程学/引诱某人过犯罪的生活 he tempted me with my favourite food 他用我最爱吃的东西引诱我 to tempt fate or providence 冒险




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