

词汇 toe
toe | BrE təʊ, AmE toʊ | A. noun (on human or animal foot) 脚趾 jiǎozhǐ the big/little toe 大/小脚趾 to stand or tread or step on sb's toes 踩到某人的脚趾 to tread on sb's toes figurative informal 得罪某人 to keep sb on their toes 使某人保持警觉 from top or tip or head to toe 从头到脚 figurative 完全地 wánquán de (of sock, shoe) 足尖部 zújiānbù B. transitive verb (kick) 用脚尖踢 yòng jiǎojiān tī ; (touch) 用脚尖碰 yòng jiǎojiān pèng to toe the line 听从命令 to toe the party/management line 服从党/资方的安排




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