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词汇 together
together | BrE təˈɡɛðə, AmE təˈɡɛðər | A. adverb (as a pair or group) 一起 yīqǐ ; (in relationship) 共同 gòngtóng ; (collectively) 整个地 zhěnggè de they're always together 他们总是在一起 let's go there together 咱们一道去那儿吧 to be close together «objects, trees, plants» 紧挨在一起 his eyes are too close together 他的双眼长得太近 acting together, they could have prevented the invasion 如果统一行动,他们原本可以阻止入侵的 we're all in this together 这件事我们都有份 they belong together «objects» 它们应该放在一起 «two people» 他们是天生的一对 tāmen shì tiānshēng de yī duì they're not married, but they're living together 他们没结婚,但在同居 James and Emma have got back together again 詹姆斯和埃玛又在一起了 he has more money than the rest of us (put) together 他的钱比我们所有人的加一块儿还多 taken together, these factors are highly significant 综合起来看,这些因素至关重要 these two documents, taken together, provide crucial evidence 这两份文件放在一起成为关键证据 his argument doesn't hold together very well 他的论点前后不太一致 (so as to be joined) 连在一起 lián zài yīqǐ he nailed the two planks together 他把两块木板钉在了一起 he rubbed his hands together in satisfaction 他满意地搓着双手 (in agreement) 一致 yīzhì after the meeting the two sides in the dispute were no closer together 会谈之后争论双方的立场差距依然如故 (at the same time) 同时 tóngshí they were all talking together 他们全都在说话 all my troubles seem to come together 我的麻烦似乎凑到一块儿全来了 all together now! (speaking) 一起说! (singing) 一齐唱! (pulling, pushing, lifting) 一起加油! Music 以相同节奏 yǐ xiāngtóng jiézòu the soprano and the orchestra weren't quite together 女高音歌手和管弦乐队之间配合不太默契 (without interruption) 接连地 jiēlián de for four days/three weeks etc. together 一连4天/3个星期等 B. adjective informal 稳妥自信的 wěntuǒ zìxìn de he's a very together guy 他是个很稳重的家伙 C. together with preposition phrase (including) 包括 bāokuò together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us 包括约翰逊一家在内,我们总共有12个人 (as well as) 连同 liántóng he put his wallet, together with his passport, in his pocket 他把钱包连同护照一起放进衣兜 taken together with the rest of the evidence, this proves that he is guilty 加上其他的证据,这证明他有罪 (in the company of) 同…一起 tóng… yīqǐ I went there together with George 我和乔治一起去了那儿




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