

词汇 rotten
rotten | BrE ˈrɒt(ə)n, AmE ˈrɑtn | A. adjective (decayed) 腐烂的 fǔlàn de food, ironwork, smella mouthful of rotten teeth 满口蛀牙 (corrupt) 腐败的 fǔbài de government, regime; 堕落的 duòluò de personto be rotten to the core 腐败透顶 informal (bad) 糟透的 zāotòu de what rotten luck! 真倒霉! to feel rotten 感到不舒服 to feel rotten about doing sth 做某事感到很讨厌 B. adverb informal 很大程度上 hěndà chéngdù shang to spoil sb rotten 宠坏某人 to tease sb something rotten 极尽能事戏弄某人




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