

词汇 bloom
bloom | BrE bluːm, AmE blum | A. noun countable (flower) huā uncountable (flowering) in (full) bloom 盛开 shèngkāi to come into bloom 开花 kāihuā uncountable (on skin, fruit) 粉霜 fěnshuāng uncountable figurative 风华正茂 fēnghuá zhèng mào to be in the bloom of youth 正值豆蔻年华 to take the bloom off sth 使某物陈旧 B. intransitive verb (be in/come into flower) 开花 kāihuā (flourish) 处于繁盛时期 chǔyú fánshèng shíqī ; «person» 容光焕发 róngguāng huànfā ; «confidence» 大大增加 dàdà zēngjiā ; «friendship» 迅速发展 xùnsù fāzhǎn




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