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词汇 rub
rub | BrE rʌb, AmE rəb | A. transitive verb present participle rubbing past tense, past participle rubbed (massage) 按摩 ànmó shouldersshe rubbed my back 她给我按摩后背 (press on) 揉搓 róucuo chin, eyes, noseto rub sb up the wrong way, to rub sb the wrong way US figurative informal 无意中惹恼某人 to rub sb's nose in it figurative informal 老揭某人的伤疤 (move back and forth) 抚摩 fǔmó hand, finger, leg, cloth (press together) 摩擦 mócā handsto rub noses (in greeting) 行碰鼻礼 to rub one's hands with or in glee 高兴得直搓手 to rub shoulders or elbows US with sb 与某名人交往 (polish) 擦拭 cāshì to rub sth with sth; 用某物擦拭 surface, objectto rub the glass with a cloth 用布擦玻璃杯 (produce by friction) 磨出 móchū bald patchto rub a hole in sth 在某物上磨出洞 (to dry) 擦干 cāgān ; (to clean) 擦净 cājìng ; (to smooth) 磨平 mópíng to rub sth dry 将…擦干 surface, hairto rub sth clean 将…擦干净 surface, table, blackboardto rub sth smooth 把…磨光 surfaceto rub sth away 擦去 stain, tears (apply ointment, polish, etc.) 涂抹 túmǒ to rub sth on to the skin 将某物搽在皮肤上 rub the cream into your skin 把润肤霜揉进皮肤里 to rub salt into the wound figurative 往伤口上抹盐 (chafe) «shoe» heel; «wheel» cèng mudguardto rub sth raw 擦破…的皮 skin, neckB. intransitive verb present participle rubbing past tense, past participle rubbed (press) 揉搓 róucuo to rub at sth; «person» 揉搓 róucuo chin, eyes, noseto rub against sth; 揉搓某物 (polish) 擦拭 cāshì to rub at sth; «person» 擦拭 cāshì surface, table, silverware (be pressed together) «surfaces, objects» 互相摩擦 hùxiāng mócā (to dry) 擦干 cāgān ; (to clean) 擦净 cājìng ; (to smooth) 磨平 mópíng to rub at sth; 擦掉 cādiào stain, mark (chafe) «wheel» 磨擦 mócā ; «shirt, collar» 磨损 mósǔn these shoes rub 这双鞋子磨脚 to rub on or against sth; 蹭擦某物 C. to rub oneself reflexive verb (press oneself) to rub oneself on or against sth; 蹭某物 cèng mǒu wù (dry oneself) to rub oneself with; 用…擦干身体 yòng… cāgān shēntǐ towelto rub oneself dry 把自己擦干 bǎ zìjǐ cāgān D. noun (with hand) 按摩 ànmó to give sth a rub 按摩 ànmó back, knee, elbow, horse (with cloth) to give sth a rub spoon, table, stain (ointment) 药膏 yàogāo (literary or humorous) (difficulty) 难题 nántí there's the rub 这就是症结所在 PHRASAL VERBS rub along intransitive verb British informal (manage) «person, couple, family» 勉强过活 miǎnqiǎng guòhuó they rub along because their overheads are so low 他们勉强能生活,因为他们的日常开支很低 to rub along with sb (get on) 与某人相处融洽 yǔ mǒu rén xiāngchǔ róngqià rub down transitive verb [rub sb/sth down, rub down sb/sth] (smooth) 将…打磨光滑 jiāng… dǎmó guānghuá wood, paint, surface, wall, plaster(make dry and clean) 彻底擦干 chèdǐ cāgān person, horseto rub oneself down 把自己彻底擦干 rub in transitive verb [rub sth in, rub in sth] 把…揉进表层 bǎ… róujìn biǎocéng ointment, shampooto rub it in informal 不断触及痛处 there's no need to rub it in! 没必要老是哪壶不开提哪壶! he's always rubbing it in how rich he is 他总是爱说自己如何富有 rub off A. transitive verb [rub sth off, rub off sth] 擦掉 cādiào stain, patternB. intransitive verb (come off) 掉落 diàoluò to rub off on sb/sth; «dye, ink» 掉色沾到某人身上/某处 the ink rubbed off on my hands 油墨掉色沾到我手上了 (wipe off) «mark, stain» 被擦掉 bèi cādiào the chalk/the pencil rubs off easily 粉笔/铅笔痕迹容易擦掉 figurative (be transferred) 传给 chuán gěi I hope your enthusiasm rubs off on him 我希望你的热情能感染他 rub out A. transitive verb [rub sth out, rub out sth] British (erase) 擦掉 cādiào word, drawingB. transitive verb [rub sb out, rub out sb] US informal (kill) 干掉 gàndiào C. intransitive verb British «mark, stain» 被擦掉 bèi cādiào




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