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词汇 sort
sort | BrE sɔːt, AmE sɔrt | A. noun (kind, type) 种类 zhǒnglèi this/that sort of X 这种/那种X people of that sort 那种人 the same sort of thing 同一类事情 what sort of dog/man is he? 它是什么品种的狗/他是什么样的人? what sort of car is it? 那是什么类型的汽车? several/different sorts of cake 好几种/不同种类的蛋糕 A, B, that sort of thing A、B之类的东西 all sorts of reasons 各种原因 you know the sort of thing I mean 你知道我在说什么 a cheap sort of cotton 一种廉价的棉布 in an embarrassed sort of way 有点尴尬地 that's my sort of holiday 这是我喜欢的度假方式 that's the sort of person I am 我就是这样的人 what sort of people does he think we are? 他把我们当成什么人了? I'm not that sort of girl! 我不是那种随随便便的女孩! what sort of a reply/an excuse is that? 那算什么回答/理由啊? radiation of any sort, any sort of radiation 任何种类的辐射 a liar of the worst sort 最恶劣的说谎者 it takes all sorts (to make a world) proverb 大千世界无奇不有 I wouldn't want to do that myself, but it takes all sorts 我自己不想做那件事,但各人有各人的爱好 nothing or not anything of the sort 一点也不 I shall do/say nothing of the sort! 我绝不做这种事/说这种话! (in vague description) 某种 mǒu zhǒng a sort of X; 类似X的东西 a sort of elephant without a trunk 某种没有长鼻子的大象 I had a sort of (a) feeling that … 我依稀觉得… in a sort of way I'm sorry 我有点抱歉 he must be some sort of madman 他一定是有点疯了 there must be some sort of mistake 一定是出了什么差错 you must have some sort of idea 你肯定多少了解一点的 (an) X of some sort 某种X we made progress of sorts 我们勉强取得了一点进步 X or something of the sort X或诸如此类的东西 to be or feel out of sorts (ill) 感到不适 (grouchy) 心情烦躁 (type of person) 某一类人 mǒu yī lèi rén to be sb's sort 是某人那种人 they're not our sort 他们和我们不是一类人 people of her sort 她那类人 we see all sorts here 我们这里三教九流的人都有 informal (person) rén a good/bad sort 好人/坏人 B. sort of adverb informal (a bit, somewhat) 有点 yǒudiǎn sort of cute/eccentric 有点可爱/古怪的 to sort of understand/sympathize 有点理解/同情 I've sort of heard of her vaguely 我对她略有耳闻 it just sort of happened 事情就这么发生了 aren't you pleased? — sort of 你难道不满意吗?──还可以吧 do you see what I mean? — sort of 你明白我的意思吗?──差不多吧 (approximately) 大约 dàyuē it's sort of behind her 那东西就在她身后 come at sort of 6 o'clock 6点左右来吧 it happened sort of recently 事情算是最近发生的 C. transitive verb (classify, arrange) 把…分类 bǎ… fēnlèi items, collection; 分拣 fēnjiǎn mail, parcels; Computing 整理 zhěnglǐ data, fileshe sorted the clothes into piles/into clean and dirty 他把衣服分成一堆堆/干净的和脏的 to sort sth by colour 按颜色给某物分类 to sort things into sizes or according to size 把东西按大小分类 to sort one's cards or hand 按花色理牌 (select) 挑出 tiāochū ; (separate) 分开 fēnkāi to sort sth from sth; 把某物和某物分开 a machine for sorting potatoes 挑选土豆的机器 informal (mend) 修理 xiūlǐ I've sorted your bike 我修好了你的自行车 PHRASAL VERBS sort out A. [sort sth out, sort out sth] transitive verb (select) 挑出 tiāochū ; (separate) 分开 fēnkāi to sort out sth from sth; (select) 从某物中挑出某物 (separate) 把某物和某物分开 (organize) 整理 zhěnglǐ ; (arrange) 安排 ānpái ; (fix) 处理 chǔlǐ did you sort it out with him when you were there? 你在那里时和他安排好了吗? (tidy up) 整理 zhěnglǐ objects; 打理 dǎlǐ affairsit was left to me to sort out the mess 收拾烂摊子的事留给了我 (distinguish) 识别 shíbié ; (establish) 确定 quèdìng I couldn't sort out what had happened 我弄不明白出了什么事 to sort out who is responsible 查出负责人 (resolve, put right) 纠正 jiūzhèng we've got it all sorted out now 我们目前把一切都搞定了 to sort out one's life 恢复正常生活 can you sort this out for me? (help) 你能帮我弄好这个吗? (explain) 你能帮我弄清楚这个吗? (mend) 修理 xiūlǐ machine; 纠正 jiūzhèng faultI've sorted out the television 我把电视机修好了 B. [sort sb out] transitive verb informal (help) 安顿 āndùn personthe doctor will soon sort her out 医生很快就会治好她的 (punish) 收拾 shōushi personI'll sort him out! 我会收拾他的! C. reflexive verb to sort oneself out (sort out one's life) 恢复正常生活 ; (get organized) 安顿自己 āndùn zìjǐ to sort itself out «situation» 圆满结束 ; «problem» 圆满解决 yuánmǎn jiějué sort through transitive verb [sort through sth] 翻查 fānchá items, cupboard




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