

词汇 sort out
sort out A. [sort sth out, sort out sth] transitive verb (select) 挑出 tiāochū ; (separate) 分开 fēnkāi to sort out sth from sth; (select) 从某物中挑出某物 (separate) 把某物和某物分开 (organize) 整理 zhěnglǐ ; (arrange) 安排 ānpái ; (fix) 处理 chǔlǐ did you sort it out with him when you were there? 你在那里时和他安排好了吗? (tidy up) 整理 zhěnglǐ objects; 打理 dǎlǐ affairsit was left to me to sort out the mess 收拾烂摊子的事留给了我 (distinguish) 识别 shíbié ; (establish) 确定 quèdìng I couldn't sort out what had happened 我弄不明白出了什么事 to sort out who is responsible 查出负责人 (resolve, put right) 纠正 jiūzhèng we've got it all sorted out now 我们目前把一切都搞定了 to sort out one's life 恢复正常生活 can you sort this out for me? (help) 你能帮我弄好这个吗? (explain) 你能帮我弄清楚这个吗? (mend) 修理 xiūlǐ machine; 纠正 jiūzhèng faultI've sorted out the television 我把电视机修好了 B. [sort sb out] transitive verb informal (help) 安顿 āndùn personthe doctor will soon sort her out 医生很快就会治好她的 (punish) 收拾 shōushi personI'll sort him out! 我会收拾他的! C. reflexive verb to sort oneself out (sort out one's life) 恢复正常生活 ; (get organized) 安顿自己 āndùn zìjǐ to sort itself out «situation» 圆满结束 ; «problem» 圆满解决 yuánmǎn jiějué




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