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词汇 soul
soul | BrE səʊl, AmE soʊl | noun countable (spirit) 灵魂 línghún to sell one's soul for … /to do … 为…/为了做…而出卖灵魂 countable (innermost nature) 内心 nèixīn to have the soul of a poet 有诗人的心灵 to put one's heart and soul into sth 全心全意专注在某事物上 with all one's soul 一心一意地 to bare one's soul 袒露心扉 countable (essence) 精髓 jīngsuǐ the soul of the British middle classes 英国中产阶级的典范 to be the soul of kindness 是善良的化身 uncountable (emotional appeal) 热情 rèqíng ; (emotional depth) 灵性 língxìng ; (emotional warmth) 生气 shēngqì to lack soul 缺乏灵气 countable (character type) 某种人 mǒu zhǒng rén a sensitive soul 敏感的人 countable (individual) rén not a soul is here 这里一个人也没有 a village of 200 souls 有200人的村子 poor soul! 可怜的家伙! uncountable (central part) 中心人物 zhōngxīn rénwù the life and soul of the party 聚会的活跃分子 uncountable = soul music




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