词汇 | sound |
释义 | sound1 | BrE saʊnd, AmE saʊnd | A. noun ① uncountable (audible vibrations) 声响 ▸ the speed of sound 音速 ② uncountable Audio equipment (quality) 音质 ; (volume) 音量 ▸ to turn up/down the sound 调高/调低音量 ▸ poor/good sound 差/好音质 ▸ a sound mixer 混音师 ▸ sound quality 音质 ③ countable and uncountable (noise) 声音 ▸ a high/low sound 高音/低音 ▸ a vowel sound 元音 ▸ the sound of sth 某物发出的声音 ▸ the sound of the wind/voices/steps 风声/说话声/脚步声 ▸ without a sound 悄无声息地 ▸ to emit or produce or utter a sound 出声 ▸ (not) to make a sound (不)出声 ▸ I left, trying not to make a sound 我轻手轻脚地离开了 ▸ a soft or faint sound 微弱的声音 ▸ a grating or rasping sound 刮擦声 ④ uncountable (mainly Music) (controlled vibrations) (乐)音 ▸ to the sound of a drum/trumpet 伴着鼓声/号声 ⑤ uncountable and countable Music (distinctive style) 音乐风格 ; (distinctive quality) 乐曲特色 ▸ the sounds of the sixties 60年代的流行乐 ▸ the Motown sound 摩城之音 ▸ the sound of rap 说唱乐风格 ⑥ countable figurative (idea, impression) 印象 ▸ the latest news has a sinister sound (to it) 最新的消息给人不祥之感 ▸ reorganization? I don't like the sound of that 重组?这消息不大好哇 ▸ by the sound of it, … 听起来… ▸ from the sound of things 看样子 ⑦ uncountable (hearing distance) 听力范围 ▸ within/out of or beyond (the) sound of sth; 在听得到/听不到某声音的地方 ⑧ countable Geography 海峡 ▸ Plymouth Sound 普利茅斯海峡 B. transitive verb ① (cause to emit noise) 吹响 ‹trumpet›; 敲响 ‹bell, alarm›▸ the driver sounded his horn 司机按响了喇叭 ② (ring out) 发出…的信号 ▸ a bell began to sound midnight 午夜的钟声敲响了 ▸ to sound reveille/the retreat/lights out/the charge Military 吹起床/撤退/熄灯/冲锋号 ▸ to sound a warning 发出警告声 ③ (express) 表示 ▸ to sound a note of caution 提出告诫 ▸ her words sounded a sombre note 她的话里带着忧郁 ▸ to sound a warning 发出警告 ▸ the news sounded the death knell for our chances of winning 这消息意味着我们已获胜无望 ④ (pronounce) 发 ‹vowel›▸ you don't sound the ‘h’in ‘hour’ hour一词中的h不发音 ▸ he doesn't sound his aitches 他说话时h都不发音 ⑤ (test by sound) (in health examinations) 对…听诊 ‹chest›; (in mechanics) 敲击检查 ‹object, wheel›⑥ Nautical (measure depth of) 测…的深度 ‹water›C. intransitive verb ① (emit sound) «bell, alarm, trumpet» 响起 ▸ a note of terror sounded in her voice 她的声音中带着恐惧 ② (give impression) 听起来 ▸ the cat sounded hurt 那只猫听上去像是受了伤 ▸ his voice sounds hoarse/wonderful 他的声音听起来很哑/很棒 ▸ he sounds ill 他听上去病了 ▸ she likes to sound grown-up 她喜欢用大人的口气说话 ▸ his words sounded threatening 他的话里透着威胁 ▸ the situation doesn't sound too promising or good 情况听上去不妙 ▸ she sounds Japanese to me 我觉得她的口音听起来像日本人 ▸ we'll leave at ten — how does that sound to you? 我们10点出发──你觉得怎么样? ▸ to spell a word as it sounds 根据发音拼写一个单词 ▸ to sound like sb/sth; 听起来像是某人/某事物 ▸ that sounds like fun 那听起来很有趣 ▸ that sounds like a good idea 那听起来是个好主意 ▸ it sounds as if or as though or like … 听起来好像… ▸ she sounds just the person we need 听起来她正是我们需要的人 PHRASAL VERBS sound off intransitive verb ▸ informal derogatory to sound off about sth; 高谈阔论某事物 ▸ he's sounding off about how good he is at bridge 他在吹嘘自己打桥牌有多厉害 ▸ to sound off at sb/against sth; 对某人夸夸其谈/大肆抨击某事物 sound out: transitive verb ① [sound sb out, sound out sb] (question) 试探 ▸ to sound sb out about or on sth; 试探某人对某事物的看法 ▸ we'll sound out parliament first 我们首先要探听一下议会的意见 ② [sound sth out, sound out sth] (ascertain) 打探 ‹opinion› |
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