

词汇 blow off
blow off A. intransitive verb (be removed by the wind) «hat» 被吹走 bèi chuīzǒu (escape) «gas» 泄漏 xièlòu British informal (break wind) 放屁 fàngpì B. [blow sth off, blow off sth] transitive verb (with air current) 把…吹掉 bǎ… chuīdiào hat, dust(in explosion) «blast» 把…炸掉 bǎ… zhàdiào limb(with one's breath) 把…吹去 bǎ… chuīqù ash, dustUS figurative informal (not attend) 缺席 quēxí to blow off class 逃课 US informal (ignore) 不理睬 bù lǐcǎi offerC. [blow sb off, blow off sb] transitive verb US informal (not meet) 放…鸽子 fàng… gēzi person(end relationship with) 甩掉 shuǎidiào person




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