

词汇 south-west
south-west | BrE saʊθˈwɛst, AmE ˌsaʊθˈwɛst | A. noun uncountable (direction) 西南 xīnán ; (position or location) 西南方 xīnánfāng ; (south-western part) 西南部 xīnánbù the sun/wind is in the south-west 太阳在西南方/吹的是西南风 (compass point) 西南方 xīnánfāng (of country, region, town) 西南部 xīnánbù B. adjective (south-western) 西南边的 xīnánbian de on the south-west side of the island 在岛屿的西南侧 south-west France 法国西南部 attributive (from the south-west) 来自西南边的 láizì xīnánbian de a south-west wind 西南风 C. adverb (to the south-west, on the south-western side) 在西南边 zài xīnánbian south-west of sth 在某物的西南边 (towards the south-west) 向西南 xiàng xīnán due south-west 向正西南




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