

词汇 sow
sow2 | BrE səʊ, AmE soʊ | transitive verb past tense sowed past participle sown or sowed (plant by scattering) 播撒 bōsǎ to sow sth in or on or around somewhere 在某地播种某物 to sow one's wild oats [年轻时] 生活放荡 (plant seed on) 播种于 bōzhòng yú to sow a garden with grass seed 在花园撒草籽 figurative (cause to appear, spread) 散布 sànbù to sow the seeds of doubt (in sb) 使(某人)起疑心 to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind 作恶必遭加倍报应




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