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词汇 tide
tide | BrE tʌɪd, AmE taɪd | noun (rise or fall of sea) cháo the rising/falling or ebb tide 涨潮/退潮 the tide is in/out 涨潮/退潮了 (at) high/low tide (处于)高潮/低潮 time and tide wait for no man proverb 时不我待 figurative (powerful trend, tendency, surge of feelings) 潮流 cháoliú the tide of public opinion 舆论倾向 the tide of events/war 事件/战争的动向 a rising tide of popular interest/public sympathy 大众兴趣/公众同情的上升态势 to go or swim with the tide 顺应潮流 to go or swim against or US to buck the tide 逆潮流 to turn the tide 扭转形势 the tide has turned in our favour/against us 局势发生了有利于/不利于我们的转变 to stem the tide 阻止发展趋势 to stem the tide of anarchy/public criticism 阻止无政府状态的进一步恶化/扭转舆论批评 figurative (surging movement) 奔涌 bēnyǒng a tide of letters/refugees 潮水般的书信/难民 PHRASAL VERB tide over transitive verb [tide sb over] «money, food, clothing» 帮助…挺过去 bāngzhù… tǐng guoqu to tide sb over till pay day/for another year 帮助某人撑到发薪日/再撑一年 to tide sb over the crisis 助某人度过危机




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