

词汇 shiver
shiver1 | BrE ˈʃɪvə, AmE ˈʃɪvər | A. intransitive verb (with cold, fever or emotion) 颤抖 chàndǒu to shiver with cold/fever 冷得发抖/因发烧打寒战 to shiver with fear/excitement/disgust 吓得/激动得/厌恶得发抖 to shiver at the thought of sth 一想到某事物就发抖 B. noun 颤抖 chàndǒu to send a shiver down sb's spine 使某人不寒而栗 to give a shiver 哆嗦一下 C. the shivers plural noun 寒战 hánzhàn an attack of the shivers 一阵寒战 to give sb the shivers; 使某人打寒战 figurative 吓得某人发抖 xià de mǒu rén fādǒu




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