

词汇 shout
shout | BrE ʃaʊt, AmE ʃaʊt | A. intransitive verb (speak at full volume) 大喊 dà hǎn to shout at or to or for sb to do sth; 喊某人做某事 that's nothing much to shout about! 用不着这么嚷嚷! to shout for help 高声呼救 to shout for joy/with excitement 高兴/兴奋得大喊大叫 (talk angrily) 愤怒地大声嚷嚷 fènnù de dàshēng rāngrang ; (scold) 呵斥 hēchì to shout at sb; 呵斥某人 B. transitive verb 高声说出 gāoshēng shuōchū answer, question; 大声喊 dàshēng hǎn order, sloganpeople were shouting abuse 人们在破口大骂 to shout one's head off 拼命喊叫 C. noun (loud cry) 喊叫 hǎnjiào a shout of protest 抗议的呼声 shout of excitement 兴奋的叫声 to give a shout of laughter/pain 发出笑声/痛苦的叫声 to give sb a shout informal 告诉某人 give me a shout when you're ready 你准备好了就喊我一声 informal (turn to pay for drinks) 轮到买酒水请客 lúndào mǎi jiǔshuǐ qǐngkè it's my shout 该我请客 PHRASAL VERBS shout down transitive verb [shout sb down, shout down sb] 压倒…的声音 yādǎo… de shēngyīn speakerhe tried to finish, but was shouted down by the audience 他想讲完,但观众的呼喊声让他闭了嘴 shout out transitive verb [shout out sth shout sth out.] 大声说出 dàshēng shuōchū answer, question; 大声喊 dàshēng hǎn order, slogan




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