

词汇 shove
shove | BrE ʃʌv, AmE ʃəv | A. transitive verb (push) 猛推 měng tuī person, box, trolley, furnitureto shove sth through; 将某物用力塞进 letterboxto shove sth about or around; 把某物到处胡乱摆放 to shove sb/sth back; 将某人/某物推回去 to shove sb/sth aside or out of the way; 将某人/某物推到一边 they shoved him down the stairs/out of the window 他们把他推下了楼梯/从窗户推了出去 to be shoved into … informal 被迫进入 room, institutionto shove sth in sb's face; 把…推到某人面前 camera, microphoneto shove sth down sb's throat figurative 强行向某人灌输某事物 (place carelessly) 乱放 luàn fàng book, money, furniture; 胡乱添加 húluàn tiānjiā paragraph, commentto shove sth into; 把某物塞入 container, pocket, room, gapto shove one's finger into the jelly 把手指插入果酱 she shoved the clothes back in the drawer 她将衣服塞回了抽屉里 B. intransitive verb 猛推 měng tuī to shove past sb; 从某人身边挤过去 stop shoving! 别挤啦! people were pushing and shoving 人群推推搡搡 C. noun 猛推 měng tuī to give sb/sth a shove; 推某人/某物一把 she gave me a shove in the back 她在我后背上推了一把 the door needs a good shove 这扇门得用力推 PHRASAL VERBS shove off intransitive verb informal (go away) 离开 líkāi (why don't you) shove off! (你干吗不)滚开! Nautical 把船撑离河岸 bǎ chuán chēng lí hé'àn shove over informal A. transitive verb [shove sth over, shove over sth] 把…推过来 bǎ… tuī guolai objectshove it over here! 把它推过来! B. intransitive verb 挪开 nuókāi shove over so that I can sit down 挪过去点儿让我坐下 shove up intransitive verb informal 挪开 nuókāi shove up a bit, you're taking up too much room! 挪过去点儿吧,你占的地方太多了!




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