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词汇 ruin
ruin | BrE ˈruːɪn, AmE ˈruɪn | A. transitive verb (destroy) 毁坏 huǐhuài furniture, relationship, economy, reputationsmoking can ruin your health 吸烟有损健康 to ruin sb's prospects/career 葬送某人的前程/事业 to ruin sb's chances of doing sth 断送某人做某事的机会 (spoil) 破坏 pòhuài holiday, atmosphere, view; 宠坏 chǒnghuài child, pet (reduce to poverty) 使…破产 shǐ… pòchǎn person, companyB. noun uncountable (state of collapse) (physical) 毁坏 huǐhuài ; (financial) 破产 pòchǎn ; (moral) 堕落 duòluò in a state of ruin «town, building» 破败不堪 to fall or go into ruin; 毁灭 to be on the brink of financial ruin 处于破产的边缘 a man brought to ruin by debt/drugs 因债务/吸食毒品而一贫如洗的人 to be reduced to (a state of) ruin; 落到破产的地步 to go to rack and ruin «building, object» 变得破败不堪 «person» 彻底毁掉 chèdǐ huǐdiào countable (building) 破败的建筑 pòbài de jiànzhù the abbey/castle is now a ruin 这座修道院/城堡现在已破败不堪 uncountable (downfall) 毁灭的原因 huǐmiè de yuányīn that woman will be the ruin of him! 那个女人会毁了他! C. ruins plural noun (remains) 废墟 fèixū the ruins of Pompeii/an old castle 庞贝城/古城堡遗迹 an earthquake left the whole town in ruins 地震使整座城市成为废墟 our marriage/her reputation/the economy is in ruins 我们的婚姻已经破裂/她已经身败名裂/经济已经崩溃 their plan/her career now lay in ruins 他们的计划泡汤了/她的事业被葬送了




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