

词汇 run away with
run away with A. [run away with sth] transitive verb (abscond with) 偷走 tōuzǒu profits, takings, money(mistakenly believe) 错误地相信 cuòwù de xiāngxìn impressionI don't want him running away with that idea 我不想让他有那种错误想法 to run away with the idea or notion that … 误以为… (win easily) «person, team, company» 轻松赢得 qīngsōng yíngdé prize, title, matchBritish (use up) «activity, project» 耗费 hàofèi money, resourcesB. [run away with sb] transitive verb (overwhelm) «emotions» 脱离…的控制 tuōlí… de kòngzhì to let one's emotions/enthusiasm/imagination run away with one 按捺不住情感/被热情冲昏了头/想入非非 (elope with) 和…私奔 hé… sībēn boyfriend, lover




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