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词汇 damn
damn | BrE dam, AmE dæm | A. exclamation informal 该死 gāisǐ damn! I've forgotten my keys! 真该死!我忘了带钥匙! damn (and blast)! we've missed the last bus! 倒霉!我们错过了最后一班公交车! B. transitive verb informal (curse) 诅咒 zǔzhòu he damned his ill luck 他咒骂自己运气差 damn this radio! 这该死的收音机! damn it! I've run out of money 该死!我把钱花光了 homework be damned, I'm going out tonight! 让作业见鬼去吧,我今天晚上要出去玩! (let's enjoy ourselves and) damn the consequences/expense! (咱们只管玩个痛快,)去他妈的后果/花费吧! well I'll be damned: she won after all! 天哪,她居然还是赢了! where is he? — at the pub, I'll be damned 他在哪儿?──在酒馆,我绝对肯定 (I'm/I'll be) damned if … 要是…才怪呢 I'll be damned if it isn't Joe Smith! 这不是乔史密斯才怪呢! where is he? — damned if I know 他在哪儿?──我怎么知道 (condemn) 使注定失败 shǐ zhùdìng shībài this project was damned from the start 这个项目一开始就注定要失败 he damned himself out of his own mouth 他自己的话证明了他有罪 (criticize) 严厉指责 yánlì zhǐzé person, actionsto damn sb for sth/doing sth; 因某事/做某事斥责某人 to damn sb/sth with faint praise 对某人/某事物明褒暗贬 Religion «God» 罚…入地狱 fá… rù dìyù sinner, heretic, soulC. noun informal 丝毫 sīháo to not care or give a damn about sb/sth; 对某人/某事物毫不在乎 his promise isn't worth a damn to me 他的承诺对我而言一文不值 D. adjective attributive informal 该死的 gāisǐ de it's none of your damn business! 不关你的事! what a damn nuisance! 真讨厌! E. adverb informal 非常 fēicháng that restaurant was damn cheap! 那家餐馆便宜得要命! you damn near caused a serious accident! 你差点造成严重的事故! I know damn all about computers/cars 我对电脑/汽车一窍不通




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