

词汇 stir up
stir up A. [stir sth up, stir up sth] transitive verb (elicit) 激起 jīqǐ emotionsthe photographs stirred up old memories 这些照片唤起了对往事的记忆 a campaign to stir up support for the plan 为该计划寻求支持的活动 (cause) 挑起 tiǎoqǐ trouble, debateto stir things up 挑起事端 (move around) 搅起 jiǎoqǐ the swirling wind stirred up dust and sand 旋风扬起了沙尘 B. [stir sb up, to stir up sb] transitive verb (excite) 鼓动 gǔdòng they were stirred up to rebellion 他们被煽动起来参加叛乱




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