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词汇 tilt
tilt | BrE tɪlt, AmE tɪlt | A. transitive verb 使倾斜 shǐ qīngxié to tilt one's head to one side 把头歪向一边 to tilt sth to the left/right 把某物向左/向右倾侧 to tilt sth back/forward 使某物向后仰/向前倾 to tilt one's cap over one's eyes/to the back of one's head 把帽子压到眼睛上方/推到脑后 to tilt the balance in favour of/away from sth 使局面有利于/不利于某事物 B. intransitive verb (incline) 倾斜 qīngxié to tilt to the left/right/to one side 向左/右/一边倾斜 the balance of industrial power tilted towards the workers 产业力量的天平向劳工倾斜 (attempt) 尝试 chángshì to tilt at winning the European Cup 向欧洲杯发起冲击 History (joust) 骑马持矛冲刺 qí mǎ chí máo chōngcì to tilt at sb; 骑马持矛冲向某人 figurative 抨击某人 pēngjī mǒu rén C. noun (incline) 倾斜 qīngxié a slight/definite/45° tilt 稍微/明显/45度的倾斜 a tilt to the left/north 向左/向北的倾斜 it is on the tilt 它斜了 (bias) 倾向 qīngxiàng a tilt toward or towards sth/sb 对某事物/某人的偏向 (speed, force) (at) full tilt 全速(地) quánsù( de) History (jousting contest) 马上比枪 mǎ shang bǐ qiāng ; (thrust, blow in contest) 骑马持矛冲刺 qí mǎ chí máo chōngcì to make or take a tilt at sb 骑马持矛冲向某人 to have or take a tilt at sb/sth figurative 抨击某人/某事物




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