

词汇 sad
sad | BrE sad, AmE sæd | adjective (sorrowful) 悲伤的 bēishāng de person, feeling, expression, voiceI was sad to leave home 离开家我很难过 a sad smile 苦笑 autumn always makes me feel sad 秋天总是让我伤感 to grow or become sad 变得哀伤 to look sad 看上去很伤心 I am sad to inform you that … 我很遗憾地通知你… sadder but wiser 吃了苦头但长了心眼 (causing upset) 令人伤心的 lìng rén shāngxīn de news, death, endinga very sad film 一部悲剧电影 it is my sad duty to inform you that … 我很遗憾,但有责任通知你… (unfortunate, deplorable) 糟透的 zāo tòu de affair, mistakeit is sad that …; 真可惜… it's a sad fact or truth that …, the sad fact or truth is that … 糟糕的是… it's a sad day for democracy/football 对民主/足球而言,那是一个可悲的日子 sad to say, she failed 可惜她失败了 (inspiring pity) 悲惨的 bēicǎn de sight, plightthis once beautiful ship is in a sad condition now 这艘曾经很漂亮的船现在破烂不堪 a sad case of cruelty/neglect 惨不忍睹的残忍/令人痛心疾首的疏忽 informal (derogatory or humorous) (inadequate) 很不像样的 hěn bù xiàngyàng de ; (unfashionable) 老气的 lǎoqì de ; (uninteresting) 乏味的 fáwèi de you haven't been out for a month?! you're sad! 你都一个月没出门了?!你真没劲! a really sad shirt 土不拉叽的衬衫




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