

词汇 safely
safely | BrE ˈseɪfli, AmE ˈseɪfli | adverb (unharmed) 平安地 píng'ān de return, arrive (without risk) 安全地 ānquán de your keys can safely be left with me 你的钥匙可以放心地交给我保管 we can safely assume/conclude/say that … 我们有把握认为/下结论/说… (causing no concern) 安稳地 ānwěn de hidden, storedthe children are safely tucked up in bed 孩子们好好地盖着被子睡觉了 he's safely behind bars 他已被关入监狱,不会造成危害了 she is safely through to the next round 她顺利进入下一轮 (carefully) 小心地 xiǎoxīn de to drive safely 安全驾驶




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