

词汇 dart
dart | BrE dɑːt, AmE dɑrt | A. noun Sport 飞镖 fēibiāo (a game of) darts 掷镖游戏 to play darts 玩飞镖 (arrow) 镖状物 biāozhuàngwù poisoned/tranquillizer darts 毒箭/麻醉枪 (dash) 猛冲 měng chōng to make a dart for or at sth 朝某物冲去 Clothing 缝褶 féng zhě to put a dart/darts in sth; 给某物加缝褶 a jacket with darts in it 带缝褶的夹克 B. intransitive verb 猛冲 měng chōng to dart in/out/away/across …; 冲进/出/离/过… C. transitive verb 投射 tóushè to dart a look/glance at sb; 猛地朝某人看/瞥一眼 to dart a paw/tongue at … 向…伸出爪子/吐舌头




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