

词汇 sake
sake1 | BrE seɪk, AmE seɪk | noun (purpose) 目的 mùdì for the sake of clarity, for clarity's sake 为了清楚起见 to do sth for its own sake or for the sake of it or for sth's sake 为某事本身的缘故而做某事 to kill for the sake of killing 为了杀戮而杀戮 for old times' sake 念及旧日的情分 art for art's sake 为了艺术而艺术 (benefit) 利益 lìyì for my/her sake 看在我/她的份上 for God's or pity's or heaven's or goodness' sake! 看在上帝的份上! [表示生气、不耐烦或加强语气]




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