

词汇 shred
shred | BrE ʃrɛd, AmE ʃrɛd | A. noun (of paper, fabric) 细条 xìtiáo shreds of paper 碎纸片 to hang in shreds; 一条条挂着 to tear or rip sth into or to shreds; 将某物撕成碎片 his theory was quickly torn to shreds by the discovery figurative 他的理论很快被这一发现击得粉碎 figurative (small amount) 些许 xiēxǔ shred of sth; 一点点某物 there isn't a shred of evidence against her 没有丝毫不利于她的证据 B. transitive verb present participle shredding past tense, past participle shredded 撕碎 sīsuì documents, fabric, evidence; 切碎 qiēsuì vegetablesshredding attachment Cooking 粉碎装置




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